At - Explanations of attachment: Bowlby's theory Flashcards
What is the continuity hypothesis?
The idea that emotionally secure infants go on to be emotionally secure, trusting and socially confident adults.
What is the critical period?
A biologically determined period of time, during which certain characteristics can develop. Outside of this time window, such development will not be possible.
What is montropy (monotropic)?
The idea that the one relationship that the infant has with his/her primary attachment figure is of special significance in emotional development.
What is a social releaser?
A social behaviour or characteristic that elicits caregiving and leads to attachment.
What kind of perspective does Bowlby’s theory take?
An evolutionary perspective.
What is the main principle of Bowlby’s theory?
Strong attachment and the consequences of such attachment are adaptive.
What is Bowlby’s notion of adaptiveness based on?
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution which states that any genetically determined behaviour that enhances an individual’s survival (and reproduction) will be naturally selected.
When did Bowlby propose his monotropic attachment theory?
Why did attachment forms according to Bowlby’s theory?
Lorenz’s research on imprinting led to Bowlby assuming that a similar process was operating in humans, Attachment behaviour evolved because it serves an important survival function - an infant who is not attached is less well protected.
Explain Bowlby’s thought of why it is important that attachments are formed in 2 directions
Parents must also be attached to their infants in order to ensure that they are cared for and survive. It is only the parents who look after their offspring that are likely to produce subsequent generations.
How did Bowlby say attachments were formed?
Babies have an innate drive to attach and in a specific time period (the critical period).
He proposed that attachment is determined by sensitivity.
How long did Bowlby say the critical period for attachment was?
3-6 months.
Who were Bowlby’s views influenced by?
Mary Ainsworth
What was it that Mary Ainsworth suggested that influenced Bowlby to think attachment was down to sensitivity?
Her observations of mothers led her to suggest that the infants who seemed most strongly attached were the ones whose mothers were more responsive, more cooperative and more accessible than less closely attached infants.
Why are social releasers important in the critical period in which attachments form?
To ensure that attachments develop from parent to infant.
Bowlby proposed that infants have one special emotional bond - what is this called?
What do secondary attachments provide for an infant?
An important emotional safety net and are important for healthy psychological and social development.
What is the importance of monotropy?
An infant has one special relationship called an internal working model that has several consequences.
What are the consequences of the internal working model?
In the short term it gives the child insight into the caregiver’s behaviour and enables the child to influence the caregiver’s behaviour, so that a true partnership can be formed.
In the long term it acts as a template for all future relationships because it generates expectations about what intimate, loving relationship are like.
What does the continuity hypothesis propose?
That individuals who are strongly attached in infancy continue to be socially and emotionally competent whereas infants who are not strongly attached have more social and emotional difficulties in childhood and adulthood.