astronomy Flashcards
a 2nd century Greek mathematician, astronomer and geographer
a mathematician and astronomer who proposed that the sun was stationary in the center of the universe and the earth revolved around it
Brahe, Tycho
made accurate observations of the stars and planets
Kepler, Johannes
discovered that the orbit of Mars was an ellipse
a natural philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials
Newton, Isaac
known for having invented the calculus in the mid to late 1660s
Hubble, Edwin
determining that there are other galaxies in the Universe beyond the Milky Way, and for observing that the universe is expanding at a constant rate
Ursa major
Ursa Major completes a full rotation around the North Star every 24 hours, and for that reason, it can never be seen below the horizon
Ursa minor
the group of stars that includes the north pole of the heavens and the stars which form the Little Dipper with the North Star at the tip of the handle
a group of stars in the sky that looks like a hunter with a line of three bright stars for a belt
Canis major
the Greater Dog, one of Orion’s two hunting dogs that follow him in the sky
is most notable because of its W shape, which is said to represent the Queen sitting on her throne
Red giant
a dying star in the final stages of stellar evolution
White dwarf
is what stars like the Sun become after they have exhausted their nuclear fuel
Main-sequence star
is any star that has a hot, dense core which fuses hydrogen into helium to produce energy
occurs during the last evolutionary stages of a massive star or when a white dwarf is triggered into runaway nuclear fusion
Black hole
is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, including light or other electromagnetic waves
the apparent displacement or the difference in apparent direction of an object as seen from two different points not on a straight line with the object
the distance light travels in one year
the bright star almost directly above the North Pole