ASTNA Paient Transport Principles & Practice Flashcards
The 1st civilian air ambulance service in Africa was established in Morocco in 1934.
Marie Marvingt
The 1st recorded flight nurse and probably the true founder of flight nursing.
Marie Marvingt
An intense interest in resuscitation began in the 18th century. The 1st organized effort was started in 1767 in Amsterdam, known as
The Society for the Recovery of Drowned Persons.
In 1865, The 1st hospital- based ambulance service in the United States was started at
Cincinnati Commercial Hospital
The 1st electric ambulance was used in 1899 at the, in Chicago
Michael Rees Hospital
In the 1960’s, the work of, mouth-to mouth- resuscitation or the “kiss of life” was combined with that of Kouwenhoven, who demonstrated the benefits of cardiac massage.
Safar & Elam
The 1st fixed-wings civilian air ambulance service in the world was established in 1928 in the Australian outback
Royal Flying Doctor Service
The 1st government-founded civilian fixed-wing air ambulance in North America was established by the
Saskatchewan government in 1946
The 1st commercial civilian air ambulance service in the United States in 1947; it was also the 1st Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)- certified air ambulance service in the United States.
Schaefer Air Service
Is considered to be the “father” of modern helicopters on which further designs were based. The 1st helicopter patient evacuation took place in April 1944
Igor Sirkorsky
A special helicopter unit soon was formed; it used the smaller Bell 47 & was attached to the (MASH) Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
(MASH) Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
REGA is still the only air service that provides emergency air medical assistance in Switzerland. REGA is believed to be the first civilian-based helicopter in the world to routinely use a hoist for rescue. REGA also is believed to be the first civilian-based program that is solely funded by donations and volunteer service groups.
Swiss Air-Rescue (REGA)
Two programs were implemented by the US government in 1969 to asses the impact of medical helicopters on mortality and morbidity rates in the civilian area
Project CARESOM & Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic (MAST)
Established in Mississippi. Three helicopter were purchased through a federal grant and located strategically in the northern, central, and southern areas of the state. This program became the first civilian-based helicopter program in the United States.
The second program was established at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, in 1969. This program was an experiment by the Department of Transportation to study the feasibility of military helicopter use to augment exiting civilian emergency medical services
Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic (MAST)
The 1st permanent civilian ambulance helicopter in Germany
Christoph 1, entered service at the Hospital of Harlanching, Munich, 1970
Started the 1st American hospital-based helicopter program
Loma Linda Medical Center in CA
Began with a single Aloutte III helicopter, based at St Anthony Central Hospital in Denver and continues today, making St Anthony’s Hospital the longest running hospital-based program in the US
Flight for Life Colorado
Special operations were added to the, role in the 1990s when STAR Flight in Austin, Texas, became the 1st American HEMS program to offer long-line helicopter rescue in 1993.
Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS)
1st FAA approved civilian helicopter HOISTING program in the US in 2001
Intermountain Life Flight Hoist Rescue Operation
Is considered the founder of modern nursing practice and was one of the original nurses to practice in the “field”
Florence Nightingale