Assisting and Handling Delivery Flashcards
is a series of continuous, progressive contractions of the uterus which help the cervix to open (dilate) and to thin (efface), allowing the fetus to move through the birth canal
Labor usually starts
two weeks before or after the estimated date of delivery
Stages of Labor
- cervical dilatation stage
- expulsion stage
- placental stage
- recovery stage
First Stage
cervical dilatation stage, from onset of labor until full dilatation of cervix
Second Stage
expulsion stage, from full dilation of cervix to birth of baby
Third Stage
placental stage, from birth of baby to expulsion of placenta
Fourth Stage
recovery stage, time after birth of immediate recovery
cervical dilatation stage
from onset of labor until full dilatation of cervix
expulsion stage
from full dilation of cervix to birth of baby
placental stage
from birth of baby to expulsion of placenta
recovery stage
time after birth of immediate recovery
Ensure that delivery area is between ________________________ using a __________________________ and free of drafts by hanging piece of tissue paper.
25 and 28°C; non-mercury room thermometer
OB pack:
- kidney basin
- catheter
- OS (10pcs)
- suture
- aspirating needle
- 5cc syringe
- 2 cotton balls with betadine
Do not perform routine episiotomy. Perform only when:
a. complicated vaginal delivery (breech, shoulder dystocia, vacuum or forceps extraction)
b. scarring in the female genitalia or poorly healed third- or fourth-degree tears,
c. fetal distress.
Call out time of delivery and sex of the newborn then inject _________________ at the ____________
10 IU oxytocin IM; right deltoid