assignment 6 Flashcards
a ligament that passes from the transverse processes of the last sacral and 1st caudal vertebra to the ischiatic tuberosity
sacrotuberous ligament
attachments of the superficial gluteal muscle
tuber sacrale (via deep gluteal fascia) & cranial sacrotuberous ligament TO proximolateral femur
Does the gluteal muscles flex or extend?
extend the hip joint in weightless limb
what are the attachments of the middle gluteal muscle?
extends from the iliac crest & wing TO the greater trochanter
what are the attachments of the deep gluteal muscle?
extends from the body of the ilium TO the greater trochanter
what are the attachments of the tensor fasciae latae?
extends from the tuber coxae TO lateral femoral fascia
spans the cranial surface of the hip joint
What effect does the contraction of the tensor fasciae latae have on the hip joint
what are the attachments of the biceps femoris
extends from the ischiatic tuberous & sacrotuberous ligament TO patella, cranial border tibia, tuber calcanei
What will contraction of the biceps femoris do to the hip joint?
what are the attachments of the semitendinosus muscle?
extends from the ischiatic tuberosity TO distomedial part of the cranial border of tibia, crural fascia
spans caudal surface of the stifle
what will the contraction of the semitendinous muscle do to the stifle joint?
what are the attachments of the semimembranosus muscle?
extends from the ischiatic tuberosity TO distomedial femur & medial condyle of the tibia
spans caudal aspect of the hip joint
what effect does contraction of the semimembranosus have on the hip joint?
what are the attachments of the adductor muscle?
extends from the pelvic symphysis TO distocaudal femur
what are the attachments of the gracilis muscle?
extends from the pelvic symphysis TO proximomedial tibia
spans the caudal aspect of the stifle joint
What effect does contraction of the gracilis have on the stifle joint?
what are the muscle attachments of the sartorius muscle?
cranial part: extends from the iliac crest to the patella
caudal part: extends from the tuber coxae to the cranial border of the tibia
spans the cranial part of the hip joint
What effect would contraction of the sartorius muscle have on the hip joint?
what are attachments of the vastus lateralis?
extends from the proximal craniolateral femur TO the tibial tuberosity
spans the cranial aspect of the hip joint
What effect does contraction of this muscle have on the stifle joint? (what happens when you contract your quads?)
What are the attachments for rectus femoris?
extends from the ilium TO the tibial tuberosity
spans the cranial aspect of the hip joint & stifle joint
What effect would contraction of the rectus femoris have on the hip joint? On the stifle joint?
hip - flex
stifle - extend