Assessments and references Flashcards
(DEAP) (Dodd, Hua, et al., 2002) 3 to 6 years 11 months
Has an Australian-normed version, and tests:
Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology
Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology Articulation Phonology Oro-motor Ability Inconsistency
SPAA-C (McLeod, 2004)
Speech Participation and Activity Assessment of Children
Alternative - draw a picture of yourself talking to someone.
Speech Participation and Activity Assessment of Children
- Children’s view on their speech and the impact upon their participation in educational and social contexts
- 10 items
- Pictorial Likert scale, or elaborate for another feeling.
- Can also be used to gain perspectives of significant others who communicate with the child regularly (parents, friends, teachers)
Undertake the following with EVERY child with SSD:
*Case Hx
- Intelligibility in Context Scale (ICS)
(McLeod, Harrison, and McCormack, 2012)
*Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology (DEAP) (Dodd, Hua et al., 2002)
- Stimulability: Caroline Bowen Stimulability Assessment form (Adapted from Powell & Miccio, 1996)
- Oral structure and function: OMA
- Hearing and speech perception: ABX task (Locke, 1980)
- -> refer for hearing assessment if one hasn’t been recently conducted.
- Speech Participation and Activity Assessment of Children (SPAA-C) (McLeod, 2004)
- Screening of language, voice, and fluency.
■■ Case history: outline important factors in a child’s life.
■■ Intelligibility rating: describe the amount of speech that is understood.
■■ Single-word and connected speech assessments: document the consonants and vowels that are produced correctly and in error. Make sure you sample different word positions, and compare singletons versus consonant clusters, monosyllables
versus polysyllables, and single word versus connected speech.
■■ Stimulability assessment: determine whether the child is able to produce the
sounds in error with cues.
■■ Oral structure and function: consider underlying causal factors.
■■ Hearing and speech perception: determine whether the child can detect and
perceive sounds in error.
■■ Contextual testing: consider the child’s response to requests for clarification
■■ Assessment of children’s communicative participation and their own views
of their speech within educational and social contexts.
■■ Screening of language, voice, and fluency.
Typical Ax Procedure (Michelle)
- Case Hx (referral and background information)
- Oro-mulsculature Ax (OMA) - in DEAP
- Speech sample 1. single word (DEAP) 2. Connected speech (DEAP) +? 3. Stimulability (Caroline Bowen Stimulability Assessment form) 4. Consistency/inconsistency (DEAP)
- Assess intelligibility (IIC scale)
- Evaluate impact of the speech difficulties (SPAA-C)
- Assess (or refer) other communication areas
SODA (Van Ripper, 1939)
How to do SODA (Van Ripper, 1939)
Percent occurance of a particular error (ie distortion) across different contexts: (number instances of error, divided by total opportunities to produce that sound in that context) x 100
To analyse the speech samples use CHIRPA
Children’s Independant and Relational Phonological Analysis (Baker, 2016).
CHIRPA (Baker, 2016) finds out…
INDEPENDANT ANALYSIS (what does the child have?)
*Phonetic inventory for Cs, CCs, and Vs
*Syllable shape, word length and stress pattern inventories
RELATIONAL ANALYSIS (how does the child compare with others?)
*Inventory of Cs correct
*Inventory of Vs, syllable shapes, word lengths, and stress patterns correct
*C and CC error analysis
*phonological process analysis
*analysis of loss of phonemic contrast
Cluster reduction
Fronting of Velars
Weak syllable deletion
Stopping of fricatives
Final C deletion
2;0 and below
Initial C deletion
Medial C deletion
Intrusive consonant
Sound preference substitution
Dysphagia. Clinical management in adults and children (2nd ed).
Chapter 1 – Dysphagia Unplugged
Chapter 2 – Normal Swallowing in Adults
Chapter 3 – Adult neurologic disorders
Groher and Crary (2016)
Motor Speech Disorders: Substrates, differential diagnosis, and management (3rd ed.).
Duffy (2013)
International Classification of Functioning and Disability (ICF)
World Health Organisation (WHO), 2001
Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability (MASA)
(Mann, 2002)
20 mins to administer
measures 24 different areas to guage a patient's swallowing ability in order to make appropriate recommendations for diet and fluid intake. -severity -respiration -alertness -saliva management NOT OMA
Test of Masticating and Swallowing Solids (TOMASS)
Huckabee et al., 2018
Assess Speech and Swallowing
- Case Hx/referral/gather data/observations
- Clinical (bedside) Assessment
a) OMA *Oral hygiene Ax *CN/Bulbar Ax *Assess safety for Oral trials
b) Oral trials - MASA (Mann, 2002). - TOMASS (Huckabee et al. 2018) - Speech Ax - Frenchay Dysarthria Asx (Frenchay) (20 min) (Enderby, 1980)
- Connected speech - “The Caterpillar” for AOS (Patel et al, 2013)
- AOS - Duffy’s tasks (Duffy, 2005, p.83)
Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment
20 min
Enderby, 1980
The Caterpillar
Patel et al, 2013
Tasks for Assessing
speech planning or programming capacity (apraxia of speech)
Duffy, 2005, p.83
Alternating Motion Rate
Sequential Motion Rate
Mayo Clinic MSD Assessment
Duffy, 2005, p. 79