Assessments Flashcards
Beck Depression Inventory-II
Age: 13 - 80 years
Measures: depression severity
Related tests: CDI2 for 7-17yo
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-RF
Age: Adult, 18+
Measures: adult psychopathology, including: substance use disorders, depression, anxiety, and personality disorders.
Related issues: Often used in legal cases, including criminal defense and custody disputes
Burks Behavior Rating Scales, 2nd Edition
Age: Children, 2.5 - 18 years
Measures: behavioral issues in school children
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised
Age: 16 - 90 years
Measures: adult cognitive ability (IQ test)
Related tests: WPPSI for 3-7yo, WISC for 6-16yo
Thematic Apperception Test
Age: 10+
Measures: perceptions of interpersonal relationships through projection
Holland’s Self-Directed Search
Measures: personality characteristics for the purpose of matching these to an appropriate career.
Eating Disorder Inventory-2
Age: 13 - 53 years
Measures: symptoms associated with eating disorders
Beck Anxiety Inventory
Age: 17+
Measures: physical and cognitive symptoms of anxiety in the past week.
Wide Range Achievement Test Revised
Age: 5 - 94 years
Measures: academic skills, inc. reading, math, spelling, and comprehension.
Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test
Age: 4 - 45 years
Measures: visual motor integration skills, coordination, fine motor skills
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory
Age: Adults, 18+
Measures: psychopathology and personality traits, including 24 personality disorders and clinical syndromes.
Related info: Used to quickly identify clients who may require more intensive evaluation
Symptom Checklist-90R
Age: 13+
Measures: a broad range of psychological symptoms and their intensity, intended to provide an overview,
Neuropsychology II
Age: Children, 3 - 16 years
Measures: neuropsychological development, used to determine children’s ability to learn and be productive in and outside of school settings.
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales
Age: 2 - 85+ years
Measures: intellectual and cognitive abilities
Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale, Second Edition
Age: 6 - 19 years
Measures: intensity and nature of anxiety in children
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function
Ages: Children, 5 - 18 years
Measures: executive functioning
Child Behavior Checklist
Age: Children, 1.5 - 18 years
Measures: behavioral and emotional problems, used as a diagnostic screener for school-aged children
Behavior Assessment System for Children, Teachers and Parents
Age: 2 - 21 years
Measures: changes in children’s behavior or emotional status, and intrapersonal competencies (ability to recognize and interpret their own emotions and thoughts).
Related info: used for medical history and classroom behavior
Conners 3 Global Index
Conners 3GI
Age: 6 - 18 years
Measures: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and most commonly associated comorbid problems and disorders.
Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank
Age: High School, Adult
Measures: overall adjustment in adolescents and adults
Wechsler Memory Scale
Age: 16 - 89 years
Measures: learning, memory, and working memory
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
Age: birth - 90 years
Measures: personal and social skills, used with special needs populations.