assessing consciousness Flashcards
What 3 things does an early level of consciousness allow?
Assessment of response to treatments
Early airway intervention
A prognostic opinion
Altered conscious level, including confusion and aggression is often caused by?
Shock, hypercarbia, Hypoxia
At which stage in A-E do you assess conscious levels?
What does ACVPU stand for?
Confusion - new or changing
Which scale is used to determine deterioration in head injured patients and used worldwide to gauge the depth of coma?
What does GCS stand for?
Glasgow coma scale
What is the highest and lowest GCS scores?
3 - 15
At which score or less is a patient likely to be unconscious, and a definite airway may be required?
What classification is GCS 13 - 15?
Minor brain injury - normal
What classification is GCS 9 - 12?
moderate brain injury
What classification is GCS 3 - 8?
Severe brain injury?
What 3 elements may a neurological emergency be categorised into?
Altered level of consciousness
what is a description of a seizure
Impaired conscious level with rhythmic limb shaking
What does the acronym ACTION stand for in epileptic seizure treatment?
A- Assess (Is the patient in danger, could they injure themselves, can you move objects out of the way? - ABC; Attached monitoring if possible - Call for Help!)
C- Cushion (under therir head)
T - Time (How long does the seizure last?)
I - Identity (Do you have any information about the patient, could you ask someone to look at the patietns previous records - call the referring departmetn if an inpatient)
O- Over (Once the seizure seizes, place the patient onto their side, in the recovery position until help arrives)
N- Never (Restrain the person)
What are common risk factors for seizures?
Addition of other new medications which may have intereated with metabolism of antiepileptics e.g. antibiotics
Alcohol consumption (Excessive or withdrawal)
Sleep Deprivation
Recent changes to antiepileptic drugs
what does CVE stand for?
Cerebro-vascular events
What are the categories of CVEs?
Ischaemic Strokes
Haemorrhagic Strokes
Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Subdural Haemorrhage
Extradural Heamorrhage
which other neurological disorders that can cause weakness?
Guillian-Barre Syndrome
Muyasthenia Gravis
Muscular neurone disease, dystrophy andmyositis
Spinal cord injuries
What is weakness caused by?
neurological deficit