Aspiration Flashcards
What are the signs of aspiration?
Coughs while eating/drinking
Coughs after eating/drinking
Clears throat after eating/drinking
Chokes while eating/drinking
Chokes after eating/drinking
Voice quality:
Wet/gurgly voice quality after swallow
Food/liquid falling outside mouth
Food/liquid gets stuck inside cheek
Has food/liquid residue in oral cavity after swallow
Change in colour
Dyspnoea (rapid, shallow breathing pattern)
Increased amount of saliva
At what points can aspiration occur?
Before swallow: due to reduced tongue movement and delayed reflex (oral stage)
During swallow: due to reduced glottic closure - incomplete glottic closure (pharyngeal stage)
After swallow: due to residue in pharynx, pharyngeal wall weakness and reduced laryngeal movement (pharyngeal stage)