Aspects of development - demographic changes Flashcards
demographic change
.demographers study population
.study of dem. change both in world pop and pop of in. countries directly relevant to development
what terms to demographers use
.mortality rate - no. of deaths per 1000 pop in one
.infant mortality - no.of deaths of infants under age of 1 per 1000 live births per year
.child mortality rate - no. of kids who die by age of 5 per 1000 live births per year
.fertility rate - no. of live birth per women in her lifetime
work population growth
.slow rise in world population - accelerated over past few centuries - 2 billion 1925 to over 7 billion now
.moat increase has been in developing world - pop of developed world now stable
.un state by 2050 - world pop will be 9.6 billion, 90% will live in developing countries
demographic transition
.developed world went through this during ind. and ur. - change from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates
shape of pop.
.changes - developed countries pre-industrialisation and dev. countries today had large no. of kids and young ppl and few elderly
.represented as pyramid - post demographic transition - pyramid inverted w growing no. of elderly ppl and proportionally low young ppl
.experience of developed countries important bcs many dev. countries seem to be passignthroygh dem. trans. -mdeat
why is experience of dem trans for developed countries important
.many developing countries seem to be passing through dem. trans - death rate falling but birth rate still high so many dev. countries still have high pop growth
mt and dem changes
.expect a transition to occur bcs dev. countries expected to go through same process of modern. as developed countries
dt and dem changes
.just bcs countries in past went through process, shouldn’t assume that its inevitable
.argue that situation today, as a result of colonialism and Neo colonialism id fundamentally different
.dem. trans is a theory - not inevitable that it’ll happen - some countries may get stuck in transition phase (demographic trap)
pop growth and consumption - malthusian theory
.18th century - Malthus influential argument abt pop growth - pop would inevitably grow faster than food supply bcs food supply grow arithmetically while pop wood grow geometrically - would bring abt disaster (famines, wars etc)
.argues it was essential to curb pop growth - world cannot support continually growing pop
Neo-malthusians on pop growth
.pop growth in dev. countries main reason for pov, leads to econ. stagnation, uncontrollable urb. and enviro damage
.also lead to disaster - wars over resources bcs there’s not enough to go around
.controlling pop growth main objective of aid bcs necessary for develop. to happen
.can be done by persuading pp to have fewer kids (family planning programmes and contraception availability)
.gov usually believes country is underpop. - pop control not priority
mt and pop growth and consumption
neo-malth. taken up by mt - see high birth rates and pop. growth as obstacles to western-style develop. keeping ppl in pov
new barbarism
.varinat of malthusian theory that overpopulation and exhaustion of resources were
leading to civil wars in dev. countries
.kaplan - used malthus’ idea - argues parts of poor world collapsing into anarchy bcs of pop growth, urban. and resource depletion - undermine already weak states and led to instability that may eventually threaten developed world too
eval of malthusian theory
.doom foretold hasn’t occurred yet despite world pop growing at an extreme rate - bcs predictions bases on projecting existing trends
.intervention occurred - improvements in food production - improve. in air averted food crisis, deaths from war and disease restrained pop. growth
.neo-malth. - simply postponed the inevitable
how can pop be controlled
.contraception - birth control taken regularly but may not be practical in dev. world, harder to persuade men to use condoms, religions disapprove of contraception, ppl w kids won’t use them
.abortion - impractical bcs requires trained med staff, some egos don’t support it bcs controversial
.sterilisation - only want that after having several kids
.finncial incentives to limit fam size - china one child policy - female infanticide and growing gender imbalance I Chinese pop
dt and anti-malthusian view
.sees that high pop growth consequence of pov - adamson argues where kids have econ. bcs they can work and earn and relive parents of some work - makes sense to have several kids
.where infant and child mortality rates high, more children couplenhave, more chance that at least one will survive to support them - only available insurance policy
.where trad. values strong - many kids will also give parents status
dt view on aid controlling pop
.misguided - should focus on alleviating pov, bring infant and child mortality down and improving situation for women
.widespread acceptance that women’s status and fertility closely linked
why is ed. for girls important
.ed. some don’t need to have kids for status bcs ed. brings status
.more likely to be able to work to support kids
.better able to look after health of kids, reduces mortality
.more likely to make decisions abt own fertility/neg. w husband rather than accepting his auth.
anti-malthusian view- food
.point out that a lot of land I used to grow fodder for animals to be consumed as meat in developed world
.if land was used to to grow for direct human consumption, planet could support even ;larger pop.
.suggests that its unequal distribution of worlds resources and excessive consumption of meds’s that are bigger problem
famine - misconceptions
.media tend to treat famines, often suggest that major cause is hat there are too many ppl
.tend to only report on final stages of famine where normal survival strategies have Beene exhausted and ppl have abandoned homes and moved in search of food
famine - relief camps
.relief camps spread infectious diseases often major cause for death
.provide v good publicity and fundraising situations for ingo’s
famine and war
.caused by war and can be weapon of war
.keen - sudan, famines can be seen as deepening exploitation of poor groups that already exist in ‘normal’ times
what is a continual issue everyday
.undernourishment - - 868 mil chronically undernourished 2010-12 (FAO), nearly all in developing countries
.long term chronic hunger doesnt attract media attention but costs more lives than famines - issueis ownership and distribution of poverty - food usually available but ppl cant afford to buy it