Asana Information Flashcards
What is the definition of an Inversion?
Any posture where the head is below the heart.
Name some physiological benefits of Inversions.
Restoring the bodies overall hormonal balance, tones the internal organs by reverses the flow of gravity, and relieves feelings of anxiety or stress.
Why do we practice arm balancing asana prior to inversions?
To develop the chest, arm, and core strength required to hold inversions for long periods of time.
What is the biggest benefit of practicing arm balancing asanas?
The lymphatic system benefits through compression of the armpits and groin, which increases the flow of lymph in the body.
Which systems of the body are affected by Inversions?
Cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, immune, nervous, reproductive, and endocrine systems.
What are standing asanas designed to do?
Build strength in the body and increase flexibility, particularly in the legs and hips.
Name some physiological benefits of standing asana.
Builds heat in the body, improves cardiovascular function through more challenging asana, massages the nervous system, lengthens the spine, decreases lethargy, massages the kidneys.
Name some contraindications of standing asana.
Knee injuries, hypermobility in knee joints, ankle and hip joint injury, sacral injury/instability, pelvic instability, sacro-iliac joint instability, excessive lumbar lordosis, cervical vertebra injury, hypertension, cardiovascular and blood pressure conditions, IBS or diarrhea.
Name the main chakras activated by standing asanas.
Muladhara, Svadhistana, Manipura, Anahata.
Name some props which can be used for standing asana.
All props, straps, bolsters, blocks, walls, chairs, etc.
When do you sequence standing asana?
At the beginning of the class to warm the body or in the middle to continue to generate heat.
What are the 3 essential elements for standing balancing asanas?
Alignment, Strength, and Focus/Awareness.
What are the anatomical benefits of standing balancing asanas?
Strengthens through the legs, upper body (pose depending), deep core muscles of the abdomen, spine, and pelvic muscles. Also for flat feet.
Name some physiological benefits of standing balancing asanas.
Development of the cerebellum, the part of the brain associated with coordination and movement, and a more stable feeling physically and emotionally, enhances cardiovascular function increasing oxygen transport, improves circulation, relaxes nervous system, massages kidneys and increases detoxification of the lungs and skin, weight bearing benefits, strengthens joints ligaments and tendons, builds stamina and endurance.
Which of the 8 Limbs is required for standing balancing asana?
Dharana, staying focused.
What is the most important thing when coming into and out of spinal twists?
The breath, due to lengthening through the spine as well as opening through the ribs and sternum to decrease pressure on the non-moving lumbar spine.
Before twisting what needs to be activated?
The core muscles in order to centre the pelvis from the hip joint.
What are the two types of twists?
One where the shoulders stay fixed and the pelvis rotates and ones where the pelvis stays fixed and the shoulders rotate.
Which portion of the spine is nearly unable to axially rotate.
The lumbar spine.
Spine twists and back bends are centred on the ______ spine. Fill in the blank.
Thoracic spine.
Name some anatomical benefits of spine twists.
Improve spinal misalignment (but need to work with students misalignment individually), releases tension of the spinal muscles by supplying fresh blood, can increase lung capacity by opening through through the ribs and chest (which then increases oxygen to the lungs), reduces hyperkyphosis of thoracic spine, diaphragm muscle is strengthened from increased respiration.
Name some holistic benefits of spinal twists.
Regulates secretion of bile (through stimulation of the liver & gall bladder), increases circulation to the pelvic region thus improves reproductive organs, floods the spine with fresh oxygenated blood, gives rise to the Kundalini and removes Granthi’s from the Nadis, relieve menstrual discomfort, massage the reproductive glands and organs, stimulate the digestive system to help move waste through and out of the body, stimulates the pancrease which regulates insulina and helps to reduce insulin levels in the body, regulates the endocrine system.
Describe the Squeeze and Soak theory.
From B.K.S. Iyengar, basically like a sponge being squeezed to discharge dirty water, spinal twists squeezes the abdominal organs and when we release new oxygenated blood makes its way through the organs.
Which side do we twist to first in standing twists? Seated twists? Supine twists?
Right side is compressed first always. When supine twists are done the legs go left first with the gaze right which compresses the right side body.
Name some contraindications or cautions for spinal twists.
No closed twists for pregnant women but can do open twists, acute SIJ or Piriformis issues, acute disc prolapse, cervical spine injury for turning head is cautioned.
Name some of the major muscles which may be used in spinal twists.
Internal & External Obliques, Rectus Abdominus, Quadratus Lumborum, Latissimus Dorsi, Erector Spinae, Transversospinalis, Trapezius, Psoas, Glutes.
Name some of the muscles which stabilize in spinal twists.
Transverse Abdominis, Lumbar Multifidus, Internal Obliques, Rotator Cuff muscles.
Name some props used for spinal twists and why?
Blanket to support and stabilise the pelvis. Strap to clasp hands behind the back in Marichyasana.
In almost all back bends the shoulders are ________? Think movement type.
What type of asana will increase Melatonin levels?
Forward folds and inversions.