AS Classroom-Based Assessment Flashcards
The ability of a test to measure what it says it will.
Scaffolded Accommodations
Wait time, tiers, sentence frames.
Universal Screener
Assessment administered to all students to gather data and form groups, such as intervention groups.
Clarity of Language
Does not contain ambiguous pronouns, words at too high a vocabulary level, or slang terms.
Summative Assessments
Examples are state assessments, district benchmarks, semester or 6 weeks tests.
Communicated Accommodations
A linguistic accommodations that ensure comprehensible input.
Examples include visuals and TPR - total physical response.
Cloze Procedure
Words are omitted from a reading passage and students determine the word that should be used there.
Congruent Assessment
Is an assessment that tests the learning outcomes described in the learning objectives.
Sequenced Accommodations
Is a linguistic accommodations that provide differentiated Instruction.
Examples include supplementary materials and pre-teaching vocabulary.
Are exams produce the same scores when given in the same conditions.
Linguistic Accommodated Testing (LAT)
Are testing accommodations used for the various content area tests.
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Is a 2002 federal law.
Criterion-Referenced Tests
Tests in which a standard has been set for the test taker to achieve in order to pass the test.
Formative Assessments
Assessment for learning - usually mid-instruction.
Norm-Referenced Tests
IQ tests