Arts & Literature 🎨 Flashcards
What is the first novel in the A Song of Ice and Fire series?
A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
What does the term “vanitas” refer to in art?
A still life symbolizing the brevity of life
What is the name of the hero in Homer’s “Iliad”?
Which writer created the character Hercule Poirot? ⭐️
Agatha Christie
Who is the best-selling female author of all time?
Agatha Christie
Who wrote “Brave New World”?
Aldous Huxley
Who wrote “The Color Purple”?
Alice Walker
Which artist is associated with the “Campbell’s Soup Cans”?
Andy Warhol
Which artist created the statue “The Thinker”? ⭐️
Auguste Rodin
What is the name of the hobbit in “The Hobbit”?
Bilbo Baggins
Who wrote Dracula? ⭐️
Bram Stoker
Which famous British author wrote The Chronicles of Narnia series? ⭐️
C.S. Lewis
Who wrote “A Tale of Two Cities” & “Bleak House”?
Charles Dickens
Who wrote “Jane Eyre”?
Charlotte Brontë
Which artist is known for his series of “Haystacks” & “Water Lilies”?
Claude Monet
Who wrote “Inferno” & The Divine Comedy?
Dante Alighieri
What is the best-selling book of all time/first novel ever published?
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
Which poet wrote “The Raven”? ⭐️
Edgar Allan Poe
Who painted “The Scream”?
Edvard Munch
Who wrote “Wuthering Heights”?
Emily Brontë
Who wrote The Great Gatsby?
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Who wrote “The Metamorphosis”?
Franz Kafka
What is the term for a painting done on wet plaster?
Who wrote Crime and Punishment & The Brothers Karamazov?
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Who wrote One Hundred Years of Solitude?
Gabriel García Márquez
Who wrote “The Canterbury Tales”?
Geoffrey Chaucer
Who wrote “Middlemarch”?
George Eliot
Who is the author of 1984 and Animal Farm?
George Orwell
Which artist is known for pointillism?
Georges Seurat
What is the name of the monster in “Beowulf”?
Who painted The Kiss?
Gustav Klimt
Who painted “The Garden of Earthly Delights”?
Hieronymus Bosch
What is the name of the protagonist in “The Catcher in the Rye”?
Holden Caulfield
Who wrote The Odyssey?
What is the term for a decorative handwritten manuscript?
Illuminated manuscript
What is the title of the longest novel ever published?
In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
What is the name of the island in “Lord of the Flies”?
It is unnamed
In which country did the Renaissance begin?
Who wrote The Catcher in the Rye?
J.D. Salinger
Which author wrote The Lord of the Rings trilogy?
J.R.R. Tolkien
Who painted “The Arnolfini Portrait”?
Jan van Eyck
Who wrote Pride and Prejudice?
Jane Austen
Who painted “The Girl with a Pearl Earring”?
Johannes Vermeer
Which poet wrote “Ode to a Nightingale”?
John Keats
Who is the author of “Of Mice and Men”?
John Steinbeck
Who wrote “Slaughterhouse-Five”?
Kurt Vonnegut
Who painted the “The Last Supper”?
Leonardo da Vinci
What is the most visited museum in the world?
What is the full name of the composer Beethoven?
Ludwig van Beethoven
Who wrote “The Handmaid’s Tale”?
Margaret Atwood
Who is the author of Frankenstein?
Mary Shelley
What is the name of the fictional town in “To Kill a Mockingbird”?
Which artist is famous for the “Creation of Adam”?
What novel begins with the line “Call me Ishmael”?
Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
Which painting is considered the most famous work of art in the world?
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
What is the term for a collection of myths?
Who wrote “The Scarlet Letter”?
Nathaniel Hawthorne
What is the name of the dystopian world in “1984”?
Who wrote “The Picture of Dorian Gray”?
Oscar Wilde
Which artist is famous for his “Blue Period” & Guernica?
Pablo Picasso
What is the name of the ship in Moby-Dick?
What artist is famous for his abstract paintings and sculptures, often using geometric shapes?
Piet Mondrian
What is the most-printed book of all time after the Bible?
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
What are the three primary colors?
Red, blue, yellow
What famous artist painted “The Night Watch”?
Rembrandt van Rijn
Which philosopher is known for the phrase, “I think, therefore I am”?
René Descartes
Who is considered the father of modern philosophy?
René Descartes
Who wrote “The Road Not Taken”?
Robert Frost
Who wrote “The Jungle Book”?
Rudyard Kipling
Which artist is known for his surrealist work, particularly melting clocks?
Salvador Dalí
Who painted “The Persistence of Memory”?
Salvador Dalí
What is the most expensive painting ever sold?
Salvator Mundi by Leonardo da Vinci
What 20th-century writer is known for his absurdist plays, such as Waiting for Godot?
Samuel Beckett
What artist painted “The Birth of Venus”?
Sandro Botticelli
What is the term for a three-dimensional work of art?
What is the term for a painting made with watercolor on dry plaster?
Who was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature?
Selma Lagerlöf
What is the glazing technique of Da Vinci called without lines or borders? ⭐️
Which writer created the character Sherlock Holmes?
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
What is the term for a poem of 14 lines?
What famous writer was known as the “King of Horror”?
Stephen King
What is the term for a painting or drawing of inanimate objects?
Still life
What does the art term chiaroscuro refer to?
Strong contrasts between light and dark
Who wrote The Hunger Games trilogy?
Suzanne Collins
Who wrote “The Bell Jar”?
Sylvia Plath
Which playwright wrote “A Streetcar Named Desire”?
Tennessee Williams
Which famous novel was banned in several U.S. states due to its controversial themes of racism?
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
What is the most translated book in the world?
The Bible
In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, what family does Juliet belong to?
The Capulets
What is the most expensive book ever sold?
The Codex Leicester by Leonardo da Vinci
What is the title of the first book in The Lord of the Rings series?
The Fellowship of the Ring
What is the name of the theater associated with Shakespeare?
The Globe Theatre
Which novel has been translated into the most languages?
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Which book by J.R.R. Tolkien became a movie directed by Peter Jackson?
The Lord of the Rings
What is the title of Ernest Hemingway’s novel about an aging fisherman?
The Old Man and the Sea
What is the longest-running Broadway musical?
The Phantom of the Opera
What is the name of the 1992 book that was later turned into an Oscar-winning movie, The Silence of the Lambs?
The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
Which Shakespeare play features the character Prospero?
The Tempest
What is the title of the sequel to “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”?
Through the Looking-Glass
What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
Tinker Bell
Which French author wrote “Les Misérables”?
Victor Hugo
Which artist is famous for “Sunflowers” & “Starry Night”?
Vincent van Gogh
What is the name of Dante’s guide in “The Divine Comedy”?
Who wrote “Lolita”?
Vladimir Nabokov
Which novel by Leo Tolstoy is considered one of the longest novels ever written?
War and Peace
Who wrote “The Sound and the Fury”?
William Faulkner
Who is known as the “Bard of Avon”?
William Shakespeare
Which composer wrote the opera The Magic Flute?
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Who is the author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? ⭐
Douglas Adams
Who wrote Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night? ⭐
Dylan Thomas
What was the original title of the novel 1984? ⭐
The Last Man in Europe
Which novel features a character named Pip? ⭐
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens