Animals 🦁 Flashcards
What is the collective term for a group of crows?
A murder
What is the term for a group of fish?
A school
Which animal has the longest ears?
African elephant
Which animal is the heaviest land mammal?
African elephant
Which animal has the longest gestation period? ⭐️
African elephant (22 months)
Which bird is known for being able to mimic human speech?
African grey parrot
Which is the only continent without native snakes?
Which animal has the longest tongue relative to body size?
Which animal has the largest population on Earth?
Ants (estimated 10’000 trillion ants)
Which bird is known for migrating the longest distance?
Arctic Tern (+ 40’000 km)
Which animal is known for living in colonies of millions?
Argentine ant
What animal can regenerate its brain / lost limbs?
What is the fastest-growing plant in the world?
Bamboo (can grow up to 90cm per day)
What is the only mammal capable of echolocation?
What is the only mammal that can fly?
Which animal has the best hearing?
What is the smallest species of bird?
Bee hummingbird
What is the fastest marine animal?
Black marlin (+130km/h)
Which animal has the largest heart in relation to its size?
Blue whale
What is the color of the tongue of a giraffe? ⭐️
What is the longest-living species of mammal?
Bowhead whale (+200 years)
What is the most poisonous animal on Earth?
Box jellyfish
What is the smallest mammal?
Bumblebee bat
Which animal is known as the “ship of the desert”?
Which animal has the longest tongue relative to body size?
What is the fastest land animal? ⭐️
Cheetah (120km/h)
What is the largest species of amphibian?
Chinese giant salamander
Which animal is capable of changing its gender?
Which animal can live the longest without food?
Cockroach (can live for weeks without food)
Which animal can live without a head for several days? ⭐️
Cockroach (decentralized nervous system)
Which animal has the strongest grip strength?
Coconut crab
What is the fastest bird in level flight?
Common swift (can reach speeds +170km/h)
Which animal has the most effective camouflage?
Which animal can hold its breath the longest underwater?
Cuvier’s beaked whale (can hold its breath for 138 min)
Which species of whale can hold its breath the longest underwater?
Cuvier’s beaked whale (+2h)
What animal can produce the most milk in a single day?
Dairy cow
What is the name of the first cloned animal?
Dolly the Sheep
What animal is known to have the fastest reflexes?
What animal has the greatest strength in relation to its size?
Dung beetle (+1000x its body weight)
Which animal is known for its ability to produce electric shocks?
Electric eel
Which animal has the best sense of smell?
Elephant (can detect water km away)
Which animal has the thickest skin?
Elephant (its skin can +7cm thick)
What animal has the largest vocal cords?
Elephant (whose low-frequency calls are vital for communication)
What is the largest species of penguin?
Emperor penguin
What animal has the largest eyes in the animal kingdom?
Giant squid
What animal has the highest blood pressure?
Which animal has the longest tail?
Which is the only mammal born with horns?
Giraffe (horns are soft at birth and harden later)
What animal is known for having the longest lifespan?
Greenland shark (+400 years)
What animal is known for having an “8th sense” (ability to detect the Earth’s magnetic field)?
Homing pigeon
What is the fastest insect?
Horsefly (145km/h)
Which mammal can produce the most offspring in a single litter?
House mouse
Which animal produces the most offspring in a single litter? ⭐️
House mouse (can have 10-12 babies per litter)
What is the only bird that can fly backward?
What animal has the most complex vocalizations?
Humpback whale
What is the most venomous snake?
Inland taipan
What extinct species of tiger, native to Indonesia, was believed to have a venomous bite due to its highly toxic saliva? ⭐️
Javan tiger
What is the term for a baby kangaroo?
Which animal has the most powerful kick?
Kangaroo (can kick with a force of +350kg)
Which animal can leap the furthest?
Kangaroo (can leap +10m in a single bound)
Which animal can live without drinking water?
Kangaroo rat
What animal can go the longest without water?
Kangaroo rat (can survive for weeks without water)
What is the term for a baby goat?
What is the only bird known to have a sense of smell?
Which animal has fingerprints almost identical to humans?
What animal can sleep the longest?
Koala (+22 hours a day)
What is the largest species of lizard? ⭐️
Komodo dragon
Which animal is capable of self-cloning?
Komodo dragon (can reproduce via parthenogenesis)
What is the largest species of turtle?
Leatherback sea turtle
Which animal can sleep for up to three years at a time?
What animal is capable of producing the loudest sound relative to its size?
Male cicada
What animal can see with almost 360-degree vision / sharpest vision / widest range of colours? ⭐️
Mantis shrimp
Which animal has the shortest lifespan?
Mayly (only lives for 24h as an adult)
What animal can detect the Earth’s magnetic field?
Migratory birds
Which animal has the longest migration?
Monarch butterfly
Which animal is the most dangerous to humans based on fatalities?
Mosquito (due to the spread of diseases like malaria)
Which fish is capable of walking on land?
Which animal has the largest teeth?
Narwhal (its tusk is a giant tooth)
What is the term for animals that are active during the night?
Which animal has the most complex nervous system? ⭐️
What animal is known for its ability to “play dead”?
What is the heaviest bird that cannot fly?
Which animal is known for producing the largest egg?
What is the only mammal with scales?
What is the fastest bird in the world?
Peregrine Falcon
Which animal holds the record for the fastest flying speed?
Peregrine falcon (can dive at speeds up to 240 mph)
What is the term for a group of whales?
Which animal has the longest tail relative to its body size?
Rat-tailed maggot
Which bird has the fastest wingbeat?
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Which animal has the most powerful bite force?
Saltwater crocodile
Which is the largest living reptile?
Saltwater crocodile
Which mammal has the densest fur in the animal kingdom?
Sea otter (+165’000 hairs per square cm)
What animal has the smallest heart relative to body size?
What is the largest species of cat?
Siberian tiger
Which animal has the most teeth?
Snail (some have +25’000 teeth)
What animal has the most bones in its body?
Snake (some have +400 bones)
What is the only species of bear that is native to South America?
Spectacled bear
What animal has the largest brain in the animal kingdom? ⭐️
Sperm whale
Which animal produces the smallest egg?
Stingless bee
What is the only marsupial that can glide?
Sugar glider
Which animal can survive without oxygen the longest?
What animal can survive in the vacuum of space?
Tardigrade (water bear)
Which animal has the largest eyes in proportion to its body?
Tarsier (a small primate)
Which animal is the largest carnivorous marsupial?
Tasmanian devil
What is the largest species of insect?
Titan beetle
What animal has the longest lifespan in captivity?
Tortoise (+177 years)
What animal can live for decades without eating?
Tortoise (some live +100 years without much food)
Which species of jellyfish is considered biologically immortal?
Turritopsis dohrnii
Which bird has the largest wingspan?
Wandering albatross
What animal is capable of regrowing its heart?
What is the term for a group of frogs?
An army
How many wings does a bee have? ⭐
How many brains does a leech have? ⭐
What animal is believed to never develop illnesses or cancer?
With what animals do dolphins play to get high? ⭐
What is the largest rodent in the world? ⭐
What is the loudest shrimp? ⭐
Pistol shrimp
What is the only fish that can blink with both eyes? ⭐
Where does the dodo come from? ⭐
What is the largest species of brown bear? ⭐
Kodiak bear