arts lesson 1 Flashcards
what is the meaning of petra?
no conclusive explanation
for this creation. ( non functional rock
markings resembling the shape of a
Bhimbetka Petroglyphs
290,000-700,000 bce
Daraki – Chattan Petroglyphs
290 000 – 700 000 BCE)
Blombos Cave Engravings70 000 BCE )
70 000 BCE )
- Ferrasive Cave Cupules
60 000 BCE )
Gorham’s Cave Engravings
37 000 BCE
A pictograph is an image or a symbol
created to express an idea or a piece
of information.
● An image created by applying color
pigments on a cave wall, ceiling or
● One color only, often black.
Cave Paintings
Less common in the prehistoric
● Prehistoric was mobile ( nomadic)
therefore, a sculpture was more
prone to damage or loss.
Oldest known sculpture from the
Paleolithic period found on Golan
Heights north of Israel.
● (700 000 – 230 000 BCE)
The Venus of Berekhat Ram
The figurine was discovered in 1908
● Strong connection of fertility
● Mother of Goddess
● (28 000 – 25 000 BCE)
The Venus of Willendorf
Is a parietal art that involves the use
of large stones as mediums.
Megalithic Art
Single-chamber tomb
Large upright standing stones,
● Aligned upright and parallel standing
Stone row
Mound of stones and earth raised
over a grave
Monuments of stones arranged in a
Stone circles
AncRefers to art that flourished in Egypt
from 3 000 BC to 30 AD.
● Pyramids are considered the most
important contribution on ancient
● Depicts about cultures and society.
Ancient Egyptian Art
Largest pyramid that is constructed
by King Cheops
● Ancient people build pyramids to
ensure that their pharaohs were
united with Gods.
Great Pyramid of Giza
A step pyramid that was built for
King Huni which is considered a
transition from the step pyramid to
the smooth sided pyramid.
Pyramid of Zoser
Ancient Egyptian are functioned to glorify the gods (
including the pharaohs)
● Passage to afterlife
● To promote and preserve their values
Ancient Egyptian are functioned to glorify the gods (
including the pharaohs)
● Passage to afterlife
● To promote and preserve their values