Artikelen + lecture week 7 Flashcards
What does the term “cognitive training” refer to?
To activities designed to make people “smarter” and better at reasoning, problem solving, and learning.
What is the primary brain region associated with basic cognitive processes?
The primary brain region associated with basic cognitive processes is the prefrontal cortex.
What is the Abecedarian study?
The Abecedarian study is a randomized trial of early childhood education for low-income children, which demonstrates how many hours of intervention may be necessary to have long-lasting effects.
What is the approach suggested in the Abecedarian study for improving cognitive abilities?
To develop interventions that combine exercises that tax prefrontal processes with reasoning instruction and practice so children may be able to get better at thinking, learning, and problem-solving.
the Abecedarian study suggests that a comprehensive, early childhood education program that includes both educational and social supports can help improve cognitive abilities in children from low-income families.
What is the issue with interpreting the results of cognitive training studies with high internal validity?
That they may not have high external validity, meaning that their findings may not be generalizable to different populations, interventions, or contexts.
What is the solution suggested by some psychologists to address the weaknesses of meta-analyses in determining the efficacy of cognitive training?
Registered replications
What is the issue with the way scientific studies are reported in press releases?
The issue is that claims tend to be exaggerated and the limitations receive short shrift.
What happens to the “hedging” language present in scientific articles?
Most readers gloss over the details and focus on the main claim when reading about scientific studies.
What is working memory?
Working memory is the temporary storage, manipulation, and use of goal-relevant information.
What can cause impairments in working memory?
Impairments in working memory can be caused by normal aging and clinical disorders such as ADHD and schizophrenia.
What factors affect working memory capacity?
Working memory capacity is linked to fluid intelligence and is determined by distraction resistance.
What is known as the congruency effect?
Working memory performance is most impaired when there is high featural overlap between a memory target and distractor
A distractor can distort the memory, leading to?
Biased responding or degrade the memory, leading to forgetting
What is the Baddeley model of working memory based on?
The Baddeley model of working memory is based on dual-task studies that found impaired verbal working memory retention during simultaneous performance of a verbal task as opposed to a visual task and vice versa.
What are some of the more subtle effects of distraction on working memory?
Systematic biases in memory reports and degraded memories for a variety of low-level visual features.
What are some of the current mechanisms proposed for distraction resistance in working memory?
Sensory recruitment and cognitive control processes
What are sensory recruitment and cognitive control processes?
Sensory recruitment refers to the idea that perception and memory draw upon a shared neural substrate, such that competition over this substrate can result in behavioral interference when memoranda (communication) and distractors are highly similar.
On the other hand, cognitive control processes refer to the mechanisms that regulate attention and goal-directed behavior in order to achieve desired outcomes.
What is the main idea behind biases in memory?
Biases in memory result from differences in task-relevant features, suggesting a shared neural resource between perception and memory in the visual brain.