Artificial ariway critical care Flashcards
What type of intubation tube is often used to help a pat with an orally place tube wan off of a ventilator
trach tube
What are the indications for intubation
Upper airway obstruction like burns, tumor, bleeding
High risk for aspiration like stoke pats
Ineffective clearance of secretions
Respiratory distress
What is a way to assess if the cuff on an intubation tube like a trach, is in the wrong place or has deflated
if they can talk
What is a consideraton for intubation tube size
the larger the tube the easier it is to breath so advocate
Are arm restraints common with intubated pats
When does the placement of an ET need to be checked
after position change
When do you need to suction ET tube
only when you see fluid in tube or when their coughing up stuff around the tube
sudden decrease in O2 or increase in RR
What is a consideration for O2 and suctionign
give 100% O2 before suctioning
Nursing care for ventilator pats
HOB 30 degrees
oral care q2h
turned q2h
sedation vacation and spontaneous breathing trial daily
meds for pneumonia prevention, pep ulcers and preventing DVT within first 24hr
Oral care considerations
moisturize lips and mouth
Complications of intubation tubes
tube comes out (low pressure alarm goes off)
occlusion (high press alarm)
pat is able to talk
What is a complication of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
lowered BP bec the lungs encroach on the hearts space
What does Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) do
supplies a little positive pressure during exhalationi so the lungs dont fully collapse, keeping the alveoli open
What are some ways to combat low BP from PEEP
give fluids possible bolus
Who gets CPAP
sleep apnea
When would you use High-frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV)
usu when they have tried everything else
Whats a med that might be used in situations where pat isnt getting better O2 sat
nitric oxide
What is a positioning technique used to assist oxygenation in severe ARDS pats
What is ECMO
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
pulls blood through a machine and hyperoxygenates it
When is ECMO used
after things like HFOV, nitric oxide and prone positioning have been used
What are considerations for Positive pressure therapies
people with compliant resp problems like COPD are at risk for barotrauma or bleb rupture
What is a common way to provide safe care for COPD pats using positive pressure vents
using small tidal volume
What is Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP)
happens within 48 hours
Complications of Positive pressure ventilators
barotrauma Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) sodium and water imbalances decreased LOC from decreased blood flow and pep ulcers constipation impaired mobility delerium impaired nutrition
Where do ventilators always need to be pugged into
the red outlet
What test should you do hourly for a paralyzed pat
train of 4
What is a train of 4 test
send electrical impulses to check for twitches
score 0-4, give one point per twitch
Is TPN usu signed off by two people
What do you need before feeding with an NG tube
X ray for position
What pats dont usu get sedation vacations
paralyzed pats
pats on BP meds to keep BP up