arthropod-borne disease Flashcards
arthropod bacteria disease
Lyme Disease Plague Rickettsial Diseases Malaria Q fever Tularemia
anthropod virus disease
Yellow fever
Colorado tick fever
anthropod two way
anthropod vectors
Aedes Aegyti - 모기임
Culex Mosquito - 애도 모기
Assorted Ticks - 애는 진드기
Phlebotmine Sandfly
Lyme Disease
- anthro bac disease- tick 장상피>침샘
Borrelia burgdorferi
B. garinii
B. afzelii (spirochete)
LD 증상
skin lesion, neurological abnormalities,
heart inflammation, arthritis, Alzheimer-like
Plague (Select Agent)
- anthro bac- flea (쥐)
Yersinia pestis (G-)
페스트 혹은 흑사병
Plague spread
벼룩 > 사람 뭄 > 사람끼리는 공기 > 폐렴> 패혈증
피와 림프에서 증식
식세포 작용에서도 증식
키우는 쥐는 죽는데, 야생쥐는 산다
plaque molecular mechanism
plasmids and paathogenicity island
- Specialized type 3 secretion system
- Yop(Yersinia outer proteins) : prevent 식세포, adhesion, macrophage death induction
2. anthro bac disease- rabbit fever: tick, mosquito, fly Francisella tularensis (G-)
Rickettsial Diseases
- anthro bac disease - flea, lice, ticks
Rickettsia prowazekii (G-)
Rickettisa rickettsii
인공배지 x > 조직에 배양
gene 치명적 : vir B (진화과정중 작아져서)
척수동물 세포내에서만 존재(주로 포유류)
Rickettsia prowazekii
Rickettsia rickettsii
P : typhus fever > rat
R : Rocky Mountain spotted fever > tick
- arthro bac disease- parasite, mosquito
Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium falciparum
1 million/ 100million die
sporozites > 간에서 성숙 merozites > 적혈구gametocytes > 흡혈
malaria 이동
말라리아 증상
열 오한 두통, 전신 통등, 심계항진, 식욕부진, 수면장애
Q fever (Select Agent)
2. anthro bac disease - ticks, dust Coxiella burnetii (G-, endospore)
lung- mild respiratory symptom, acute headache, muscle pain, fever
endocarditis (5-10년 후)
Arbovirus 설명
by bloodsucking arthro.> vertebrate
anthro에서는 no disease
immunity permanent
no vaccine
-undiffereentiated fever (단기적 열 + 불특정 증상)
-Encephalitis (뇌염) : inflammation of the brain , 사망률 높다
-homorrhagic fevers : 심각하고 치명
Equine Encephalitis
- arbovirus disease - mosquito(aedes, culex) > 쥐, 새, 말
Togaviridae, Alphavirus
enveloped, plus-strand RNA
location - EEE, VEE, WEE
EEE- Atlantic, Southern Coast - Aedes - bird - 70%
VEE- Southern United States - Aedes, Culex- 쥐, 말-아이 30%, 어른 10% 이하
WEE- Mountains of West - culex - 새 - 7%
2.. arbovirus - encephalis
enveloped, plus -strand RNA
알려진거 30종류 이상
- arboviridae - Dangue, West nile, Yellow fever
flaviviridae family
plus-strand RNA
cytoplasmic membranes
- arbovirus disease - Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus
4개 serotypes
human 50 million/ year
2.5 billion risk
Dengue pathogenesis
- dengue fever
2. homorrhagic fever
West Nile Fever (encephalitis)
- arbovirus disease- culex, bird(sparrow, crow), 수혈
fever, lymphadenopathy(림프샘장애), rash
1% 이하에서 심각한 encephalitis
Tick - Borne Encephalitis
- arbovirus disease: tick, unpasturized dairy products
Yellow fever (황열)- bioweapon
- arbovirus disease : human or monkey>human
**acute viral hemorrhagic disease
female mosquito
fever, chills, headache, backache, nausea, vomit
심각: jaundice, lesion, homorrhaging 장기
- arbovirus
enveloped, -ssRNA virus
5 genera : Nairovirus, Orthobunyavirus, Phlebovirus, Hantavirus, Tospovirus
Bunyaviridae Tripartite genomes
three gene segments
S- small : nucleocapsid
M- medium: glycoproteins G1, G2
L- lage : RNA ploymerase
Bunyaviruses five genera
orthobunyavirus : la crosse virus - encephalitis
phlebovirus : sandfly fever, homorrhagic fever
hantavirus : rodent- borne
Tospovirus : plant viruses
Colorado tick fever virus
- arbovirus - tick
Reoviridae, Colorado tick fever virus
haemopoietic cells, erythrocytes
western US, Canada, high mountains