Arthrokinematics And Osteokinematics Flashcards
Quantity Willingness Integrity of contractile and non contractile tissue Symptom reproduction Pattern of motion restriction Reduce vs. normal vs excessive
ROM Dependent factors
Amount of available joint motion Integrity of joint surfaces Mobility and pliability of soft tissue Degree of soft tissue approximation Degree if fibrosis Age Gender Co morbidities
Info regarding integrity of the inert tissue
Allow for assistance–end feel
Osteokinematics motion
Bone movement
Circle about fixed point around joint axis
ROM in degrees
Joint motion
Motion AT and ON joint surface (concave/convex)
If decrease arthokinematic then decrease osteokinematics
Osteo and arthro occur at same time
Directly proportional
Need normal arthro must occur for full range osteo to occur
Osteo leads to AROM
Glide motion
Always with Roll
Linear movement of one bone on another
Easier to treat
Always in same direction as bone movement
Convex and concave rule
If moving joint surface concave related to other surface–same
If moving joint surface convex related to other surface– opposite
Loss of joint accessory motion
Testing ability of joint surface to GLIDE on another joint
With limited joint surface glide (arthorkinematics motion)=Decrease ROM (osteo)
Closed Packed
Max tautness of major lig
Max surface congruity
Min joint volume
Max stability of joint
Movment toward close pack involves an element of COMPRESSION
Full extension and external rotation of tibia
Open pack
All positions away form closed Only one resting position Slackening of major lig Min surface congruity Max joint volume Min joint stability Movement towards open pack involve an element of DISTRACTION 25-40 flexion
Quantity of motion
Hyper mobile
Hypo mobile
End feel
Normal end feel
Bony, firm (capsular or muscular), soft
Abnormal end feel
Springy, boggy, spasm, empty, pain
Arthro and osteo motion
Convex joint surface moving. Gliding is opposite direction of osteokinematic motion