Arthokinematics, Osteokinematics Flashcards
Fibrous Joints (Synarthroses)
Bones that are united by fibrous tissue and are nonsynovial. Limited movement
Suture (fibrous)
Ex: sagittal suture of skull
- Union of bone by ligament
- Immovable
- Will fuse to become synostosis
Syndesmosis (fibrous)
Ex: tibia and fibula interosseous membrane
- Bone connected by dense fibrous membrane
- Very little motion
Gomphosis (fibrous)
Ex: tooth in its socket
- Two bony surfaces connect as a peg in a hole
Cartilaginous Joints (Amphiarthroses)
Hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage that connects one bone to another. Slightly moveable
Synchondrosis (cartilaginous)
Ex: sternum and true rib
- Hyaline cartilage
- Cartilage adjoins two ossifying centers of bone
- Provides stability during growth
Symphysis (cartilaginous)
Ex: pubic symphysis
- Generally located at the midline
- Covered in hyaline or fibrocartilage
- Slight motion
Synovial Joints (Diarthroses)
Free movement between bones they join. 5 components:
- joint cavity
- articular cartilage
- synovial membrane
- synovial fluid
- fibrous capsule
Uniaxial (synovial)
Hinge: elbow
Pivot: AA joint
Biaxial (synovial)
Condyloid: MCP joint
Saddle: CMC joint of thumb
Multi-axial (synovial)
Plane: carpals
Ball and socket: hip
Sternoclavicular Joint (convex/concave & roll/glide)
Elevation/Depression: convex clavicle and concave sternum = opposite
Protraction/Retraction: concave clavicle on convex sternum = same
Ulnohumeral (convex/concave & roll/glide)
Concave ulna and convex humerus = same
Radiohumeral (convex/concave & roll/glide)
Concave radius and convex humerus = same
Proximal radioulnar (convex/concave & roll/glide)
Convex radius and concave ulna = opposite
Distal radioulnar (convex/concave & roll/glide)
Concave radius and convex ulna = same
Radiocarpal (convex/concave & roll/glide)
Convex carpals and concave radius = opposite
MCP (convex/concave & roll/glide)
Concave phalanges and convex metacarpals = same
Proximal/Distal IP (convex/concave & roll/glide)
Concave distal phalanges and convex proximal phalanges = same
Proximal tibiofibular (convex/concave & roll/glide)
Concave fibula and convex tibia = same
Distal tibiofibular
Convex fibula and concave tibia = opposite
Subtalar (convex/concave & roll/glide)
Anterior: concave calcaneus on convex talus = same
Posterior: convex calcaneus on concave talus = opposite
TMJ (convex/concave & roll/glide)
Convex mandible on concave temporal bone = opposite
Class 1 lever
Ex: seesaw, pinchers
Fulcrum is in between force (input) and resistance (output)
Class 2 lever
Ex: wheelbarrow
Force (input) and resistance (output) are above fulcrum
Class 3 lever
Ex: biceps curl
Force (input) and resistance (output) are below fulcrum