Art Terms (U-Z) Flashcards
Underground Art
First used in relation to the cultural phenomenon of the 1960s and early 1970s where groups of artists, writers and other creatives and thinkers were regarded as existing outside or on the fringes of popular culture
Vanishing Point
The point at which receding parallel lines viewed in perspective appear to converge
A still life artwork which includes various symbolic objects designed to remind the viewer of their mortality and of the worthlessness of worldly goods and pleasures
From Italian term ‘verismo’, meaning realism in its sense of gritty subject matter
Verso / Recto
Terms used for the front and back of a single sheet of paper, or the right-hand and left-hand page of an open book
Video Art
Art that involves the use of video and /or audio data and relies on moving pictures
Virtual Reality
A technology that enables a person to interact with a computer-simulated environment, be it based on a real or an imagined place
Visual Ethnography
Ethnography is the study and interpretation of social organisations and cultures in everyday life. It is a research-based methodology, and when this research is conducted using photography, video or film, it is called visual ethnography
A large, glass cabinet used for displaying art objects
The vorticists were a British avant-garde group formed in London in 1914 with the aim of creating art that expressed the dynamism of the modern world
War Artists
War artists are artists who are commissioned through an official scheme to record the events of war
Refers both to the medium and works of art made using the medium of watercolour – a water soluble paint with transparent properties
An image or mark in a sheet of paper (usually the papermaker’s trademark) visible when viewed by transmitted light
White Cube
Refers to a certain gallery aesthetic characterised by its square or oblong shape, white walls and a light source usually from the ceiling
Wood Engraving
A printmaking method distinct from woodcut in that the line is incised into the woodblock, rather than the background being cut away to leave a line in relief
A method of relief printing from a block of wood cut along the grain
Group of artists who practised a form of kinetic art using light and motion