Art Terms (B) Flashcards
Baroque was the dominant style in art and architecture of the seventeenth century, characterized by self-confidence, dynamism and a realistic approach to depiction
Bauhaus was a revolutionary school of art, architecture and design established by Walter Gropius at Weimar in Germany in 1919
Biomorphic forms or images are ones that while abstract nevertheless refer to, or evoke, living forms such as plants and the human body
Bitumen is a naturally-occurring, non-drying, tarry substance used in paint mixtures, especially to enrich the appearance of dark tones
Black Arts Movement
The black arts movement was an ideological movement that emerged in the USA in the early 1960s when black artists and intellectuals came together to organise, study and think about what a new black art and black politics movement might be
Black Atlantic
Black Atlantic describes the fusion of black cultures with other cultures from around the Atlantic
Black Audio Film Collective
The Black Audio Film Collective is a pioneering arts initiative founded in 1982 whose ground-breaking experimental works engaged with black popular and political culture in Britain and the black / Asian Diasporas
Black Box
Relating to performance art, the black box is the name for a square room painted black in which artists performed experimental work
Body Art
Body art is art in which the body, often that of the artist, is the principal medium and focus
Bricolage refers to the construction or creation of an artwork from any materials that come to hand (anti-commercialism)
British Impressionism
British impressionism describes the work of artists working in Britain in the late nineteenth-century who were influenced by the ideas of the French impressionists
Brutalism is an architectural style of the 1950s and 1960s characterised by simple, block-like forms and raw concrete construction