Art Terms (P) Flashcards
Painterly refers to the application of paint in a ‘loose’ or less than controlled manner, resulting in the appearance of visible brushstrokes within the finished painting
A palette is a smooth, flat surface on which artists set out and mix their colours before painting, often designed to be held in the hand
The term pan-Africanism refers to an ideology of racial solidarity with Africa and its diaspora formed in the mid-nineteenth century
A panel is a rigid support or surface for painting on
Papier Collé
French term which translates as pasted paper, papier collé is a specific form of collage that is closer to drawing than painting
Participatory Art
Participatory art is a term that describes a form of art that directly engages the audience in the creative process so that they become participants in the event
Pastel is a coloured drawing medium made from pure coloured pigment mixed with a binder to form a stick
The word patina usually refers to a distinct green or brown surface layer on bronze sculpture
A pendant picture is one of two pictures designed to hang together as a matching pair
Performance Art
Artworks that are created through actions performed by the artist or other participants, which may be live or recorded, spontaneous or scripted
The term performativity describes the interdependent relationship between certain words and actions – as when a word or sentence implies an action
The term perspective refers to the representation of objects in three-dimensional space (i.e. for representing the visible world) on the two-dimensional surface of a picture
The photobook is a book of photographs by a photographer that has an overarching theme or follows a storyline – a convenient and reasonably cheap way of disseminating the work of a photographer to a mass audience
A photogram is a photographic print made by laying objects onto photographic paper and exposing it to light
Photography refers to the process or practice of creating a photograph – an image produced by the action of light on a light-sensitive material
Photojournalism is a form of journalism which tells a news story through powerful photography which traditionally are black and white images