Art Terms (M) Flashcards
Magic Realism
The term magic realism was invented by German photographer, art historian and art critic Franz Roh in 1925 to describe modern realist paintings with fantasy or dream-like subjects
Magnum Photos
Magnum Photos is a New York based photographic co-operative founded in 1947 by four photographers, including Robert Capa and Henri Cartier-Bresson, that aims to give photographers the freedom to record what they see without having to work to the agendas of magazines and newspapers
Mail Art
Mail art began in the 1960s when artists sent postcards inscribed with poems or drawings through the post rather than exhibiting or selling them through conventional commercial channels.
Mannerist is a sixteenth century style of art and design characterised by artificiality, elegance and sensuous distortion of the human figure
A maquette is model for a larger piece of sculpture, created in order to visualise how it might look and to work out approaches and materials for how it might be made
Market Photo Workshop
Founded by the documentary photographer David Goldblatt in 1989, Market Photo Workshop was originally set up to support black photographers in apartheid South Africa, enabling them access to workshops and education and international photographers
Matter Painting
Matter painting refers to the technique of using thick impasto paint into which other materials such as sand, mud, cement and shells have been added
Medium can refer to both to the type of art (e.g. painting, sculpture, printmaking), as well as the materials an artwork is made from
Memento Mori
A memento mori is an artwork designed to remind the viewer of their mortality and of the shortness and fragility of human life
Merz is a nonsense word invented by the German dada artist Kurt Schwitters to describe his collage and assemblage works based on scavenged scrap materials
Metaphysical Art
Metaphysical Art (the translation of the Italian Pittura Metafisica) was an early twentieth century Italian art movement typified by dream-like views of eerie arcaded squares with unexpected juxtapositions of objects
Mezzotint is an engraving technique developed in the seventeenth century which allows for the creation of prints with soft gradations of tone and rich and velvety blacks
Minimalism is an extreme form of abstract art developed in the USA in the 1960s and typified by artworks composed of simple geometric shapes based on the square and the rectangle
Mixed Media
Mixed media is a term used to describe artworks composed from a combination of different media or materials
A mobile is a type of sculpture that is formed of delicate components which are suspended in the air and move in response to air currents or motor power