Art Of leadership Flashcards
The primary purpose of management is to provide order and consistency, a bottom-line focus. The primary focus of leadership is to _______;a top-line focus.
Produce change and movement
Pg 11
The primary focus of leadership is to produce change and movement, a top-line focus. The primary focus of management is to provide ________, a bottom line focus.
Order and consistency
Management involves four functions or processes first identified by Henri Fayol in 1916: planning, ________,
________, and controlling, all of which are essential for organizational success.
Organizing ; directing
If an organization has strong leadership without management, the result can be
inconsistent ________.
Pg 11
If an organization has strong manage-
ment without leadership, the result can be reliable accomplishment of the _______ things.
Pg 11
The successful leader must master the art of leadership, with nine key areas for success. If people cannot decide which course of action to take or if they are not making satisfactory progress along a chosen path, ______occurs.
pg 11
________can be traced to deficiency in one or more of the nine areas of leadership.
Pg 11
There are two aspects of caring leadership: First is commitment to a ________; second
and equally important, is concern for _______. Theodore Roosevelt captures the spirit
Pg 10
Both commitment to a goal and concern for others must be present for _______leaderahipto occur.
When the leader cares, others become ______and energized. It is at
this point that direction and momentum develop and great achievements are made.
Pg 10
What is the cornerstone of organizational success?
Pg 10
Whether one leads by word a deed, there is an essential ingredient necessary for success. The leader must ____. When this happens others will _____. When this happens there will be focus and energy for the work to be done.
The leader must care; others will care
Pg 9
Only when leaders care will there be ____ and ____ for the work to get done.
Pg 9
A major challenge facing leaders is among ______. The central issue of such dilemmas is attempting to grant others the authority to act independently, yet still get them aligned and pulling together for a common purpose.
Conflicting goals
Pg 9 frustrations of leaders
Approximately ____out of every ___ people in the American workplace is classified as a supervisor, an administrator, or a manager.
In the most extensive study ever done, the US Chamber of Commerce sought to answer what two questions?
Where do leaders learn to lead?
What do people want in a leader?
Pg 7
The number one place people say they learn to lead from ______.
Pg 7
The second most cited place people learn to lead is from ______ or models.
The third most cited place people say they learn to lead from is from ______and ______.
Books and school
Desired qualities change across culture and time, but what people say they want most in American society is _________.When people are asked to define integrity, the word they mention most frequently is honesty.
The leader with integrity always tells the _____ as he or she believes it to be.
First and foremost, people want a leader they can _______.
The second most cited quality people want in a leader is ______.
Job knowledge
This quality ranges from knowing what direction to take(abstract visioning), to knowing how to solve problems (practical ability).
Job knowledge
The third most cited quality people want in a leader ______skills.
People building
People want an empowering leader who will be a mentor and _____of others.
More recently, leadership has been viewed as an acquired competency, the product of many forces, not the least of which are _______and ______. In this sense, leadership is seen as a social phenomenon, not an individual trait.
Environment and circumstance
Evidence shows that ______of the individual and ______ factors are important elements in the leadership equation. Leadership results from the inextricable interaction between the two.
Qualities of the individual and environmental factors
In this book leadership, Burns concluded that leadership is fire in the forged of both personal _____ and social _____.
Personal ambition and social opportunity
Responding to situations in work and life that require leadership is called ________? These leaders include parents, supervisors, officers and leadership figures.
Episodic leaders
Historically, leadership had been attributed to the individual. This view is sometimes called the ______
Great Man Theory
Leadership is shifting from autocratic hierarchical model toward and _______ model.
Empowering-participatory model.
John Adam’s said, if your actions inspire others to _____more, ____more_____more and ____more, you are a leader.
Dream more. Learn more. Do more and become more
What two things influence the leadership process?
Qualities of the individual and environmental factors
What are the three types of leaders?
Teachers, heroes and rulers
Some leaders are Teachers, who are _______and ______.
Rule breakers and value creators.
Some leaders are heroes ; responsible for great ______ and noble _____.
Causes; works.
Some leaders are rulers; dominate others and exercise______.
The book says no other factor is more important for work morale and job performance?
Good Leadership
___________ is the ability to attract people, motivate them to put forth their best efforts and solve problems that arise.
Excellence in leadership
Leadership is _______. It means leaving a mark. It is initiating and guiding, and results in change.
Social influence
By their ____ and _____ leaders show the way of their influence the behavior of others.
Ideas and deeds
The encyclopedia of leadership identifies more than 40 theories or models of leadership that have influenced the study and practice of leadership. Early studies were focused on two main theories; _____ and _____
Trait and behavior.
Pg 14
_____focuses on the qualities of a leader, and _____ focuses on leadership actions.
Traits ; Behavior
Pg 14
Francis Galton is credited with being one of the earliest theorists to mention the trait approach. Galton believed that leadership qualities (traits) were ________ of a family. Qualities such as courage and wisdom were passed on from family.
Genetic characteristics.
Pg 14
Galton believed that leadership qualities were ______ of a family. Qualities such as courage and wisdom were passed on from family member to family member.
Genetic characteristics.
Traits have been studied, and the lists abound. Almost always included in lists of important leadership traits are : basic ______, clear and strong ______and a high level of personal ______.
Basic intelligence
Clear and strong values
High level of Personal energy
Pg 14
One of the most widely reported studies of leadership traits was conducted by Edwin Ghiselli, who evaluated over 300 managers from 90 different business in the US. GHisellie identified ______ traits as being important for effective leadership.
What Ghiselli’s 6 traits of leadership?
Need for achievement
Supervisory ability
An interesting application of the trait theory was practiced by Paul Avon Hindenburg, war. He used a form of trait theory for selecting and developing leaders. He believed that leadership ability was determined by what TWO primary qualities?
Intelligence (bright vs dull) and Vitality (energetic vs lazy)
Concern for production is analogous to the terms job-centered and initiating structure while concern for people is analogous to the terms ______and ______.
Employee centered and showing consideration.
In 1939 a classic study of leadership behavior was conducted by Kurt Lewin and associates at University of Iowa. These researches trained graduate students in behavior indicative of what three leadership styles?
The results from the University of Iowa study (Kurt Lewin) indicated that?
Democratic style of leadership was more beneficial for group performance than the other styles
_____style emphasized group participation and majority rule.
The four cornerstones of Shackleton behavior are leading by _______, communicating_______ , keeping up _____ and maintaining a positive ______.
example; the vision; morale; positive attitude.
Pg 21
Research shows that both leadership _______ and leadership _____ are important for leadership _______.
Supporting the practice of selecting leaders with an emphasis on ______and training leaders with an emphasis on _______.
Leadership ______ holds that the most appropriate leadership qualities and actions vary from _______to _______.
Contingency theory
Situation to situation
Effectiveness depends on leader,______, and ________.
Follower; situational factors.
_____________include personal values, feelings of security, and confidence in subordinates.
Forces in the leader
__________ include knowledge and experience, readiness to assume responsibility and an interest in the task or problem.
Forces in the follower.
________ include organizational structure, the type of information needed to solve a problem, and the amount of time to make a decision.
Forces in the situation.
No single element explains why leadership takes place. Leadership results when the ______ and _____ of the leader match the _____and ____ of the followers in a particular situation.
Ideas and deeds
Needs and expectations
Pg 21
Vision is an ideal of what could and should be. The leader must ask three questions: is this the right direction? Are these the right people? and _____?
Is this the right time?
pg 62
The leader wants to make a difference and strives to create a thing that never was before. This thing, this difference, constitutes a ________.
The most important functions of a leader are to develop a clear and ______picture of the future (vision) and secure commitment to that ideal
Clear and compelling
The leader must have a _____to succeed.
In addition to developing a vision and strategy to succeed, the leader must have intensity and _____ to see these through.
Pg 60
Leaders typically have substantial vitality and they manage to transmit ____ to others.
Such leaders breathe life into their organizations; hence the term_____ is used to describe the leader.
Without vision there is ______.
Also required are other important ingredients: skills, incentives, resources and action plan.
Clarity of _______provides guidance
for making decisions about time and resources. Also required are constancy of effort
Clarity of purpose
When leaders have _______and authority others are inspired to follow.
Passion and authority
Pg 62
No matter how uncertain the conditions are above the leader, the ________leader must create a clear and compelling vision of what should be done in their area of responsibility.
Effective leader
Pg 62
A vision is necessary for _______.
Effective leadership
A leader can develop a _____ for any project, work group, Or organization.
Many leaders fail because they do not have a ______- instead they focus surviving on a day to day basis.
In a major study of leadership effectiveness, the Forum Corporation reports on the characteristics of successful leaders at middle to senior levels of responsibility. The study identifies three leadership qualities for steering organizations through periods of change _____ ,_____and ____
1 taking personal responsibility for initiating change
2. Creating a vision and strategy for the organization
3. Trusting and supporting others.
The vision and strategy must be ______, _____, ______ AND above all______.
Leader intitated
Shared and supported by followers
Comprehensive and detailed
Worth doing.
New leader have to earn _____ and ____ of subordinates. Otherwise people will resist their efforts to lead.
Trust and respect.
A SWOT assessment of current conditions must both be thorough and objective. ______ that is unknown and facts that are _____will hinder and can even destroy an organization.
Strategic initiatives are sometimes called______.
Success factors.
The best strategic initiatives are SMARTER______
Action- oriented
And Reviewed.
Initiatives are most effective when employees are _____ and _____ to achieving them.
Energized and committed.
The motivational value of initiatives is enhanced when employees receive ______.
Feedback on results.
Pg 67
An important goal in the SWOT analysis is to identify core competences in the form of ______ the organization has or does exceptionally well, and to identify _______ in the environment that the organization can act upon.
Special strengths;opportunities
_______ and _____ are both essential for organizational success.
Vision and execution
_______means making sure the organizational structure and employee behaviors support the purpose and values of the organization.
______percent of American employees say the don’t understand the company’s vision, or they have never sent it.
Three basic motives for leadership___.
Examples of cultural values that help organizations succeed are ______.
90 percent of CEO say companies rise and fall, depending upon_____.
Leadership is tasked with managing ______ within the organization to prevent conflict.
Cultural differences. .
Pg 77
The culture of an organization is a powerful force that can be described as positive or negative. This is determined primarily by the example set by _______.
Decisions of leaders
An important element in the life of an organizational village is its _________climate.
Psychological climate
Just as a sick societies can make some people, so can a ______climate.
Pg 78
An organization may be strong in performance standards, organizational clarity, and warm and support, but if the ________ is poor, the entire organization will ultimately suffer.
Reward system
pg 78
Although members may have influence, organizational climate is determined primary by _______.
_________makes some attempt to avoid being completely autocratic. Power remains at the top, but members are given occasional opportunities for participation in the decision-making process.
Impoverished Leadership Pattern II
Patterns of leadership
_______ is autocratic and hierarchical, with virtually no participation by
members. Leaders make decisions, and members are expected to comply without question.
Exploitive Leadership. pattern 1
Rensis Likert identified four patterns of leadership that correspond to the four types of organizational climate. Although members may have considerable influence, org climate is determined primarily by leaders.
Pattern 1 Exploitive
Pattern 2 impoverished
Pattern 3 supportive
Pattern 4 Enlightened.
Pattern of Leadership
_______shows a great deal of interest and confidence in members.Power resides in leaders, but there is good communication and participation throughout the organization.
Supportive leadership pattern 3
Pg 82
Patterns of leadership
_____delegates power to the logical focus of interest and concern
for a problem. People at all levels of the organization have a high degree of freedom to initiate, coordinate, and execute plans to accomplish goals.
Enlightened Leadership (Pattern 4)
This leadership results in high satisfaction and productivity?
Pattern 4 Enlightened.
This leadership pattern involves broad member participation and involvement in decision making activities?
Pattern 3 Supportive.
Likert estimates that U.S. organizationsthat a shift to Pattern IV would improve employee morale and productivity by _____ to _____percent or more.
20 to 40
Toxic leaders create unhealthy work climates known as the ______ of leadership.
Dark triad.
Pg 83
What are the dark triads of leadership? If uncorrected it is destructive to both the organization and leader
_____ has the greatest impact on an organization when they describe real people and are known by employees throughout the organization.
Pg 85
Community is experienced in two ways: as a _______and as ______.
Group of people
As a way of being.
Pg 85
The word ______conjures up images of authority, bureaucracy, competition,control, and power.
The word ________evokes images of democracy, diversity, coop-
eration, inclusion, and common purpose.
The first type of community is formed by bringing people together in place and time;_____.The second is created when barriers between people are let down ;______.
A group of people; a way of being
Pg 85
The Four Levels of Approach to Measuring Learning effectiveness are
The individual learner tends to be concerned with the first two levels of the four levels of approach _____ and ____ while managers are focus on _______ while sponsors focus on impact
Most training conducted in the US is evaluated at _______,if at all
Level 1 (Satisfaction)
Pg 413
Re: measurement leader effectiveness.
The next most used level is ______
Level 2 (Learning)
Levels __ and ___ are used in minority of cases, usually bc of the time cost and skill involved in. I’ll exiting evaluating and reporting data
3 and 4/ application and impact.
Leadership skills can be _____, and leadership effectiveness can be ______.
Learned; developed
Pg 414
In state of American manager, Gallup reports that 72 % of business leaders say leadership development is important, yet only _____% of current mgrs. have the expertise to efficiently manage others.
Leadership competencies are organized into 6 areas?
Strategic skills
Operating skills
Energy and drive
Organizational positioning skills
Personal interpersonal skills
It should be noted that leadership is not always a ______ process. ______mentoring can be powerful process for keeping leaders current in both the technical and human aspects of work.
Top-down; reverse mentoring.
A quality shared by most great leader is a _____.
Love of learning.
Pg 415
Leadership stretch assignments involve ______risks and reaching beyond ones _____
Taking risk; comfort zone.
Pg 415
Stretch assignments combat ______ and stimulate growth by ______things up.
Complacency; changing
Pg 415
Emergencies and experience leaders can use stretch assignments to keep themselves and their companies _____ and ______.
Fresh and growing.
In many fields the difference between the average performance and the exceptional performance is ______%.
10 percent.
A good goal for a stretch project would be to improve individual group performance by at least __%.
10 percent
Leaders can enhance professional success through an active program of personal _____.
A popular approach to leadership development is individualized ______ to address areas of improvement.
Pg 416
Dunning described the role of the coach as that of the ______. This philosophy is best ruler in a total organizational culture of ______ developing their _____.
First assistant; manager ; direct reports.
Approximately ____% of Global 100 companies use some form of formal coaching.
Coaching typically involves a an assessment of _______and _____ and a series of one on one coaching sessions.
Strengths and weaknesses
Pg 417
Research on “best practices” in coaching and mentoring conclude :
The person must want to improve
Formal assessment if strengths and weakness is valuable
Some behaviors can’t be changed
Practice is critical for success
Accountability for best effort must be maintained.
____% of companies see leadership as an important issue.
Oh 417
The number one quality an employer wants is _____
Second quality employers want is someone who will take _____ and be a ______.
Initiative;self starter
Demographics are less important than the underlying qualities of _____, desire to learn, and personal commitment.
Self motivation
The third quality employers want employees with a good _____ability, including technical knowledge and skills.
The “big three” qualities are followed by the fourth quality employers want employees to have ______.
Communication skills.
CEO and chairman of universal health and services uses the 3i screen for employees. He also believes they are important for effective leadership.
Integrity, intensity and intelligence.
What are the two oldest issues in the business world?
To know what attracts the best employees to a company AND what makes them stay?
Achieving peak performance requires 3 basic steps?
Setting Goals
Visualizing success.
Taking action.
The four major types of change in the workplace are?
____%of executives and employees surveyed globally say they suffer from _____fatigue.
65%; change fatigue
Pg 426
What are the necessary leadership behaviors for successful change to occur?
Maintaining an open door
Listening for understanding
Being patient.
Pg 428
According to Jerry Jellison of the USC explains organizational changes initiatives only succeed when the changes are ______at the individual employee level.
The victim of ______ is often the dedicated and talented person.
Too many demands on strengths over a prolonged period of time PLUS high expectations and deep personal involvement in the work one does PLUS too few actions taken to replenish the energy consumed in meeting these demands =?
There are four steps to the path to burnout?
More than ____ in ____ U.S. workers report feeling burnout.
One in four
The “Phoenix phenomenon” can help you rise from ashes to a level of energy and commitment. Strategies for dealing with burnout?
Emergency aid
Short term actions
Long term actions.
______ out of three employees say their leaders play a bigger part in creating stress at work than any other personal, organizational or environmental factor.
For protecting health and well being of American workers. The four cornerstones of blueprint?
- Well designed jobs.
- Evaluation systems to detect psychological disorders and underlying risk factors
- Educations of workers and managers in the signs, causes effects and control of work related psychological disorders
- Improved mental health service delivery for workers.
A sense of powerlessness is a universal cause of stress.
If you are in a position to accept responsibility, be sure you will have adequate power to influence _____.
Events for which you will be responsible. Pg 454.
When setting performance objectives, it is important to address four major areas??
The most coming method of measuring performance depends to some degree in ______.
Pg 479
This is one of the most important areas for which standards apply?
Measurements of quality include at least two factors
Error and appearance.
Pg 480
Cost includes the 4 M’s of management.
Two characteristics of followers that influence leadership are _____ and ______.
Respect for authority ; interpersonal trust.
Effective leaders and effective followers have many common qualities. _____ ,_____ ,_____ and so on.
Effective leaders and effective followers have many common qualities-integrity, ability and commitment. Two qualities that are necessary for organizational success are high ______and critical _____.
involvement and thinking.
Pg 37
Research shows that employee participation in _______ usually increases job satisfaction as well as employee commitment to decisions made.
Decisions made.
If styles of leadership collide and styles of following conflict, extra patience and commitment are needed. In following areas ??
Decision making
Goal setting
The important points are ?
1 vision is necessary for effective leadership
2. A leader can develop a visions for any project, work group, or organization and
3. Many leaders fail because they do not have a vision-instead they focus on surviving on a day by day basis.
The three most important influences on character formation are :?
A manager can govern most effectively with the ____ of those being governed.
Pg 156
An approach to leadership thet recognizes both the top down and bottom up views of authority and that effectively addressed the interdependent nature of the leader follower condition is _____
Servant leadership.
The ____ up view of authority contends that power flows from below because people can always reject a directive.
Bottom up view
The ______concept is well established and is the traditional view of leadership authority in the United States.
Top down
3rd most cited quality people want “People building skills”
People want an empowering leader who will _____ and ____ of others.
Mentor: developer of others.
Pg 7
Behavioral leadership theories assume that there are _____.
Distinctive actions that effective leaders take.
Pg 17
Generally when ____, the more effective decision making is leader centered as opposed to employee centered decision making.
There’s a greater sense of urgency.
Pg 38
What are the 7 kinds of intelligence?
Intrapersonal intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence
If you are creative and an independent thinker, you have what type of intelligence?
Pg 44
“New demands” to traditional duties of leaders.
Empower people
Generate ideas
Coach teams
Do the right things
Develop people.
Pg 52
The culture of an organization is a powerful force that can be generally described as positive or negative. This is determined primarily by the_____ and ______ of the leaders
Examples set ; decisions made
Pg 77
Edgar Schein states that the
creation and management of culture is the leader’s most important role. An organization’s culture fulfills four functions:
- Provides org identity
- Facilitates collective commitment
- Ensure social stability and
- Determine norms of behavior.
Pg 76
Examples of culture values that help organizations succeed are ___, ____ and _____.
Service safety and creativity.
Pg 76
_______ can be used to develop and reinforce a positive work climate. They serve as prescriptions for the ways things should, (or should not) be done. They have the greatest
impact on an organization, when they:
Stories; Describe real people and are known by employees throughout the organization.
Pg 85
Four principles should be followed to develop an enlightened, Pattern IV
- View Human Resources as the organizations greatest asset
- Treat every Individual w/understanding dignity warmth and support
- Tap the constructive power of groups through visioning and team building.
- Set high performance goals at every level of the organization.
An important element of organizational culture and climate is _____. Past an optimum point, org can have two many layers of management with corresponding reduction in creativity and performance.
Pg 89
The moral tone and standards of conduct of an organization are determined by the ____ and _____ of leaders.
Policies and behaviors.
Pg 95
Gardner states leaders should not be judged solely in terms of decisiveness and efficiency but more important ly on the basis of _____ and ____ reasoning.
Values and moral reasoning.
Pg 96
A common theme is the need for leadership that is based on honesty, ____, and _____
Service to others and moral courage.
pg 96
_____ is a branch of philosophy concerned with the intent means and consequences of moral behavior.
Rushworth Kiddler identifies 3 mindsets for addressing moral dilemmas?kidder recommends using all three mindsets when making moral decisions.
Ends-based thinking
Rule based thinking
Care based thinking.
Pg 97
Moral dilemmas often involve choosing between two ____ or _____.
Rights or goods.
________thinking is doing what is best for the greatest number of people.
End based thinking.
______thinking is following the highest principle or duty;
Rule based thinking
_______thinking is doing what you would want others to do to you (golden rule).
Care based thinking
Many ethical problems common to the workplace are? It is the task of the leader to understand and make judgements on these difficult subjects.
Issues of quality
Property and human relationships.
Pg 100
The message is it is not enough to have a moral compass if it’s not activated in difficult circumstances. In tough moral dilemmas, a practical approach is this: for every decision you confront , project out 5 steps and ask yourself if your action is taking you ______.
in the direction you want to go.
Pg 100
Kohl Nerf explains that each person makes ethical decisions according to the levels of moral development :?
Pre conventional
Post conventional
Pg 105
What moral development is aware of cultural prescriptions of right and wrong behavior. Response is based on two concerns: Will I be harmed? (Punishment) Will I be helped? (Pleasure)
Pre-conventional morality (egocentric)
Pg 105
Egocentric orientation of stages 1 and 2 are most characteristic of preadolescent children.
What is the most advanced level of moral development, at which the individual is concerned with right and wrong conduct over and above self interest, apart from the views of others and without regard to authority figures?
Post conventional morality (principled)
Self direction and high principles of stages 5 and 6 are characteristic of only 20% of the adult population. With only 5-10% operating consistently at stage 6
What is the moral development that is characterized by group conformity and allegiance to authority. The individual acts in order to meet the expectations of others and to please those in charge?
Conventional morality
Community oriented morality of stages 3 & 4 are common in teens and adults.
An organization can have an admin statement of values but lack _____and _______of those that are the most important.
Clarity and reinforcement
Pg 112
A lack of agreement on core values by which all member will live reduces the _____ and _____ of the organization.
Character and strength
Which value is the foundation that underlies and gives reality to all other virtues and personal values.
Pg 114
Certain values are mentioned often in the American Workplace
This value, in all dealings, as a foundation for all other values?
These are the layers of character formation for individuals and groups; what people say is important, what they do is more important, AND
What they sacrifice for is the most important.
Pg 114
_____ to the point of personal sacrifice is the highest form of living by one’s values, reflecting integrity.
Character and leading by values require ______.
Pg 114
Leading with an understanding of _____you are and ____ is important can be termed “leading from within” or “managing values.”
Who you are and what
Pg 120
The leaders ____ set the standard for behavior toward one another (moral tone) and for performance on the job
Pg 120
An effective leader accomplishes, through _______ ____, the building of individual commitment and group cooperation toward accomplishment of the task or mission.
Personal Example
Ethical climate of Org
Ethical climate refers to moral standards that have been consistently communicated, embraced and enforced by leaders in both word and conduct. In dealing with moral dilemmas regarding people, products and profits orgs typically reflect one of the 3 ethical climates???
Quality-life management
Pg 136
In its highest form, ______ is based on a value that is known, cherished, stated, lived and lived habitually.
There is a concept in ethics that can be used to assess the strength of one’s values. It is especially important for people in leadership positions. This concept is _______.
Full swing values.
A full swing comprises five points, from beginning through completion:
Point 1 is to know one’s values.
Point 2 is to cherish one’s values.
Point 3 is to declare one’s values.
Point 4 is to act on one’s values.
Point 5 is to act habitually on one’s values.
Pg 118
The servant leader is committed to people and this is shown through Communication _____ and _____.
Access and Support
Pg 157
How do you tap the constructive power or people? How do you create both a humanistic and a productive workplace? The answer is through _____. The process begins with involving people which is necessary to achieve understanding, which is necessary to achieve ______.
Participative leadership; committment
Pg 161
The capacity to influence others because of their desire to identify with the leader refers to which type of power?
Referent power
As a rule, Leaders should avoid any behavior that demeans or intimidates another person. The solution is to _____ psychological size.
Pg 169
____ is the expansion of employee knowledge, tasks, and decision-making responsibilities.
Many leaders mistakenly think that the best way to equalize psychological size is to reduce their own size. In doing so they may reduce their size so much that _____ is lost and cannot be regained.
Pg 170.
The most effective approach is not for leaders to reduce their own psychological size but _______.
But to raise the size of others.
Pg 170
The best way to raise psychological size is to show _____ in people. A proven technique is to give people a project they______.
Genuine interest in people.;grow into
Pg 170.
Four points in developing two way communication.
First be______. Second, model an _____ and _____ communication. Third, be _____. Fourth, make a sincere effort to draw people out ______ evaluating their remarks.
Approachable; honest and open; patient; without constantly
Pg 170
Upward communication depends on what employees believe ______
Leaders do with the information.
Pg 180
The keys in every case are _____leadership and ______ of people.
Caring leadership and empowerment of people.
Pg 181
Effective systems and processes are essential for organizational success. Enter the ______movement.
Quality movement.
Implicit in the definition of total quality management are 3 essential ingredients: ______leadership, continuous process________ and the use of ______.
Participative Leadership; improvement; groups. Pg 181
One of the best ways to achieve effective communication is to Recognize where most people prefer to get information, as opposed to _______
Where they actually receive it.
Pg 175
The single best way to achieve high morale is to get the right person in the ______.
Right job in the first place.
Pg 212
Research shows decreasing morale in the American workplace, with only _____% of employees satisfied with their jobs.
Pg 216
Man ain’t morale is the task of the manager. Meeting this responsibility requires a willingness to listen to employees and the ability to _____
Read between the lines of what they say and do.
Pg 216
_____is the confluence of challenge and skill. When we are challenged by something we are truly good at we become absorbed in the ____ that we lose consciousness of self and time.
Pg 219
Research shows that only ___% of employees in large organizations say they have an opportunity to perform tasks they do best.
_______is a major cause of communication breakdown.
Poor listening.
Pg 235
The biggest block to ______is the inability to listen intelligently, understandingly, and skillfully to another person.
Studies of listening effectiveness show that ___% of the average white collar workers day is spent in the listening process. Yet listening comprehension typically is 25%.
It is interesting to note that ____ of all employees feel management isn’t listening to them.
Pg 235
Most people talk at a spear of 125 words per minute and think at a much faster rate if 500 words per minute. If you are a good listener. You will use the thought of speed to advantage by _________.
Applying spare thinking time to concentrating on what is being said.
Pg 236
____ is achieved by creative and motivated employees working in teams.
Pg 252.
Although team size varies from 30 or more members in some flat organization structure to as few as two in some circumstances, team size is usually ________to ______members.
5 to 12.
Pg 252
The philosophy behind the quality movement is that the people closest to the work usually have the _____ and ______ needed to come up with the best solutions to work-related problems.
Experience and knowledge
Pg 181
A team member that is often a practical organizer who orchestrated and facilitates the work of the group ?
The Ignition Key.
In this sense, the ignition key plays a leadership role in group action.
Pg 248
Business leader Lee Lacocca prescribes a formula for success: Effective leaders focus on three p’s- ____, ____,____, in that order.
People. Products. Profit
Pg 289
Maslow divides human needs into 5 categories, progressing from basic needs for ______ and _______, to social needs of ____ and _____, to the complex need of ______.
survival and security; belonging and respect; fulfillment.
Pg 289
Understanding the influence of leadership qualities, the characteristics of followers and the nature of situations.
Leadership equation.
One of nine key areas of leadership.
Nine key areas of leadership?
The leadership equation.
The power of vision
The importance of ethics
The empowerment of people
Leadership principles
Understanding people
Multiplying effectiveness
Developing Others
Performance management.
Leading by moral principles, goodness of character and personal courage
The importance of ethics
An area of leadership.
Pg 11
Fostering a high performance culture through participative leadership and service to others.
Empowering of people.
Area of Leadership
Pg 11
Leadership is popularly used to describe what takes place in the first three processes of management: ____ a direction planning), aligning _____and resources(organizing), and energizing people to accomplish _____directing)
Establishing; people; results.
Pg 11
Managers are people who do_____ and Leaders are people who do the _____.
Things right; right thing.
Pg 11
The Trait theory of leadership makes the assumption that distinctive ______ and ______ characteristics account for leadership effectiveness.
Physical and psychological
Pg 14
The _______ manager has high concern for both production and people. The leader cares intensely about task accomplishments and cares deeply about people
Fully functioning manager.
Pg 19
The first requirement for a leader is a strong sense of _____.
Pg 26
The leader must know the job-or invite loss of respect. Job knowledge must be kept current. Failure to keep up leads to lack of _____ and loss of employee ____
Confidence, support.
One cannot solve the equation of others when preoccupied with the equation of self. Emotional instability will cause employees to question the leaders ____ and _____.
Objectivity and judgement.
Pg 27
Concerns for others.
Personal comfort and advancement are subordinate to the welfare of ______. ______ for others requires patience and listening and the result is trust the bedrock of _____.
Others: concern; Loyalty
Pg 27
The most important quality of leadership is integrity: understood as _____, strength of character, and courage. Without integrity there is no_____. The number one element in the leader-follower equation.
Honest; Trust.
Negative leadership behaviors reduce peoples morale, health, and _____. Employees withdraw commitment and contribute _____.
Performance; less
Pg 33
Most detailed leaders have one or more derailment patterns. The most serious derailment pattern is failure to meet _____.
Performance objectives.
Pg 33
Leadership studies show that in general, when the work to be done is clear cut, routine or monotonous, a _______ and support approach is best. If work duties are defined loosely, a directive and ______ is needed until roles, responsibilities and relationships are clarified.
Non-directive; task orientation is needed
Pg 38
Elements of true community are monitored, ______are celebrated and areas of ______ are addressed.
Strengths; improvement
Pg 89
When evaluating moral behavior, doing harm is usually viewed worse than _______ it, and commission is usually judged more harshly than _____.
Allowing; Omission.
Interest in the nature of ethical leadership has grown proportionally, common theme is the need for leadership that is based on honesty, _____to others, and _____courage.
Pg 96
_____ is the branch of philosophy concerned with intent, means and consequences of moral behavior
Pg 96
__________ are judgments about what is right and what is wrong, good and bad.
Moral judgements.
Milligrams research (shock volt) demonstrated how ordinary people could be induced to perform inhumane acts simply by the presence of an _____,
Authority figure.
Pg 107
All three motives, means and consequences are in the( level III stage 6) Virtuous Leader. Virtuous leaders know the difference between reputation and character. The first is what people say about them; The second is what they do when _______.
No one is looking.
Pg 111
If an organization is to meet the challenges of a changing world; it must be prepared to change everything about itself except its_____.
Core values.
Pg 113.
The need is to be open to change in structure, tasks, technology, and people, but always guided by and remaining true to basic or core _____..
Pg 113
______ is what you are. It is different from reputation, which is from other people. True character is in you.
Pg 116
The highest level of leadership is _____. At this level of leadership the leader is impelled to act bc the act itself is deemed good, and for no other reason. Not self gain or public acclaim but only bc conscience dictates that the act is the right thing to do.
Full swing
Pg 118
Given power without _______, an individual may do terrible deeds that are harmful to other people. People need _____ of a just society and the oversight of wise leaders to govern their actions; otherwise they may engage in selfish and destructive behavior.
Accountability; values
Pg 119
The leaders actions set the standard for peoples behaviors toward one another and for performance. An effective leader accomplishes, through personal _______, the building of individual ______, and group ______ toward accomplishment of the task or mission.
Example; commitment; cooperation
Pg 120
For some leaders they concern for _____ at work is less about defensive measures and damage control, and more about principled leadership.
One f the most influential guidelines for ethics as work comes from Rotary International. Leaders were taught to test their actions against four basic questions: 1. Is it the ___? 2. Is it ___ to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better _____? Will It w beneficial to all ____?
Truth; fair;relationships; concerned
Pg 134
_______ percent of American employees working full time say they have observed ethical misconduct at work.
Seventy three percent.
Pg 139
Solution to maintaining ethical work environment
Leaders are all levels must be selected and rewarded for their performance in meeting both _____and ______- if ethical violations occur even leaders who are otherwise successful must be ______ and ______.
Integrity and business standards; held accountable and disciplined
Pg 139
For many people, feels of self worth and transcendence to something greater than self concept in the experience of ______.
Pg 86
True community requires facing and ____ differences.
Success is enhanced when people have a shared culture. This is why developing communities must form symbols of group identity and generate stories to pass on core ____, customs and central _____..
Values: purpose.
Jay Conger says building a community involves two basic leadership competencies: visioning and ______
Visioning and empowering.
Pg 86
A lack of agreement on core values by which all members will live reduces _____ and strength of the organization.
Pg 112
There are two views of leadership authority ______ and _____.
Top down and bottom up
The _____ concept is well established and it is the traditional view of leadership authority in United States. This right if authority is derived from the right of private property.
Top down
Pg 154
The _______ view of authority contends that power flows from below, because people can always reject a directive. By saying yes or no, the individual affirms or denies authority of leaders.
Bottom up.
Charles Barnard of AT& T. Emphasized that organizations depend on effective _________and managers formal authority depends on the employees willingness to accept that _____.
Communication; power
Pg 155
According to Barnard, people will accept an order if four conditions are met: 1. The person ________ the order. 2. The persons believe the order is consistent with the org goals. 3. The person believes the order is compatible to their ______ 4. The person is mentally and _____ able to comply with the order.
Understands; interest; physically
Pg 155
A manager can govern most effectively with the _____ of those being governed. This condition shows the interdependence common to most leader-follower relationships.
The great leader is a ____ first.
A sure sign of ______ is a leader who stays in touch with the challenges and problems of others.
Servant leader
Pg 156
I’m more than 70 countries the ____values are the highest guiding principles in life.
Giver values
Concrete example of participative leadership is Jack stack when he popularized open book management. Open Book Managemebt involved sharing financial info with the ______
and encouraging them to recommend ideas that ____ those financial results.
Employees; improve
participative leadership has been employed effectively by manages and supervisors to build employee _____ and high ______.
Moral and high performance.
Pg 163
Four important points to develop two-way communication: First, be approachable. Second, model an honest and open style of _______.Third be patient. Fourth, make a sincere effort to draw people out without constantly evaluating their ____.
Communication; remarks.
Empowerment is the explanation of employee knowledge, tasks, and decision making responsibilities. Steve Levine and Dandew reviewed all major studies of empowerment in the workplace. According to their findings, ____________ has a most positive impact on business success. It is almost never negative or neutral.
Employee participation.
Robert Cole identifies five principles of an empowered workplace that empower people. Implicit in these principles is the broad _____ in the decision making process is necessary for success.
- Trust in People
- Invest in people
- Recognize accomplishments
- Decentralize decision making
- View work as a cooperative effort.
Pg 174
An essential element of empowered and high performance workplaces is good _____.
Pg 175
One of the best ways to achieve effective communication is to recognize where employees PREFER to get information, as opposed to where they actually _______ it.
The actual and preferred rankings of where people go for information show they people want ______, ______and complete information
Accurate, timely
Pg 175
What should be communicated. Filling the “need to know gap”. Knowing the ______, having clarity of _______; and receiving _____ on performance are the communication needs of everyone in the organization.
Vision (grand plan); assignment (what is expected of them personally; feedback (with recognition for their efforts.
Pg 176
Discovered by the Hawthorne studies was that ______factors and _____norms influence productively and motivation much more than do the combined effects of physical conditions, money, discipline, and even job security.
Social factors and group norms.
Pg 185
A persons morale can be diagnosed according to the percentage of time spent on the job in each of three states- _______,______,and ______.
WORK (drudgery), PLAY ( enjoyable uplifting activities), and HELL ( pain and torture).
Pg 211
Managing morale is a task of management. Meeting this responsibility requires willingness to listen to employees AND the ability to read between the lines of what they ____ and _____.
Say and do
Pg 216
When an employee has an attitude problem that is work-related, stress levels rise and performance does down. It may be discovered that _______ is part of the problem. Occasionally, the problem is caused by _______. Often, the problem is caused by the employee themselves.
Management; other employees; caused by the employee.
Pg 216
Effective human relationships
The key is for turning negative situations into _______results is to stand for what is best for ____.
Too much emphasis on order and control and not enough on , _______ and ______, can reduce vitality and lead to failure.
Motivation and creativity.
Pg 11
Team Concept
During 1940-1950s, the focus moved to sensitivity training and T-groups and the development of _________skills.
Interpersonal skills
Team Concept
I’m 1970-1980, competition from Japan and other countries resulted in an emphasis on _______management, employee involvement, and quality improvement through the use of _______.
Participative; teams
Pg 243
1990-post2000 shifted focus to high performance teams to design products.
Group governance emerges because people recognize that they can solve ______ more effectively by pooling resources rather than working as individuals.
Pg 243
The role of leadership in groups or teams is the ability to harness and channel the _____of the group.
At many companies more than ______ if an employees day is spent communicating with coworkers.
Three quarters
Pg 244
Leaders today rely on _____ and new technology to enable communication across time and geographic distance. .
Leadership success requires an understanding of group behavior and the ability to tap into the _____ power of the teams.
The most important element of teamwork is commitment to a common ______. The best teams also develop norms of behavior for working together to achieve their _____.
Purpose; purpose
Positive V’s Negative Group Roles
The _____ is spontaneous and creative This person is in afraid of change and suggests ideas that others do not. Creative and unconventional thinker.
Idea Generator
Pg 248
It is helpful to view stages of life of a group (forming storming norming and performing) from two points of view: interpersonal ______and accomplishing ______.
Skills; task
Pg 264
Team building can be enhanced by experimental strategies and activities. One of the best ways to develop and sustain team effectiveness is to meet in a conducive ______, free of _______, and discuss important issues.
Atmosphere; interruptions.
Pg 268
______Involves both job satisfaction and organizational committment.
Pg 303