Art and Science Review Flashcards
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When did the Bargello construction begin?
In 1255 making it the oldest public building in Florence.
What is the architecture style of the Bargello?
Medieval Fortress style
What happened in 1786
The death penalty was deemed as illegal
What dates did the bargello become a museum and first open
1859 is when reconstruction started and in 1865 it was recognized as a museum famous for holding many of Donetellos works
How does donetellos Bronze David compare to the marble one?
Bronze- relaxed, controposto, nude, young, Florence appreciation for humanist values
Marble- David is around 20, serious and determined, Florences strength
What marked the beginning of the renaissance
The competition of the gates of paradise.
Michelangelos Bacchus
- Famous early work of Michelangelo
- God of wine
- Very drunken expression
- Although rejected the work signifies Michelangelos ability to go outside common norms
- rebirth
- man as the center of the world
- Revival of classical art (greek and roman)
- Achieve harmony through proportion
Who was Polycleitus?
Artist of the CANON and goal was to capture the ideal human figure through mathematical proportions
Ideal symmetry, perfect mean between tension and relaxation
When did controposto or counterpoise first appear ?
Early 5th century BCE
What is humanism?
A metal and philisophical way of thinking; The dignity of being a human being
Definition of Integration of antiquity
Ancient history of art.
What are some Humanism Characteristics
- Citizen extensive participation to art commission
- Real and accurate depiction of anatomy of the subject
- subjects are from classical history or mythology
- revival of portraits
Donetello and Bruelleschi traveled where
All throughout the shambles of ROME
The beginning of the renaissance started how and when?
Around the 1400s almost 50 years after the Black Death, the city and country needed a sense of rebirth. The Artist that started the pre renaissance was giotto.
Why was Florence the center or main city?
Capital of humanism, peace, culture and economy.
Who were the three innovators of the renaissance?
Brunelleschi in architecture
Donatello in sculpting
Masaccio in painting
What was the Medici Family?
-The family of Florence, encouraged the study of plato Neo platonism, which is to reconcile christianity with philosophy
- understood the power of art
- most important members were Cosimo the elder and Lorenzo the magnificent
Beginning of the Renaissance important date?
1401 marks the competition between Ghiberti and Brunelleschi for the bronze doors of the baptistry
Brunelleschi key points
- rediscovered classical art
- new conception of space and measure
- Architecture was innovative and educated
- Inventor of perspective
What idea did Brunelleschi reflect
God had created the cosmos as a mathematical harmony with mathematical ratios
Aspects of Perspective (Leo da Vinci)
1.) the further away an object is the smaller it gets
2.) You can’t see the definite outline and specific details from far away ( atmospheric)
Eye level
Horizontal Line; frequently hidden by trees or buildings in paintings
Vanishing point
A dot in the middle of the horizontal line , where parallel lines seem to disappear
Orthogonal lines
The line you draw from the corner of an object to the vanishing point, establishes distance
Transversal lines
Right angels to the orthogonals
Objects appear smaller as the distance of the observer increases
One point perspective
Use a single vanishing point to draw a perspective; only the receding O- lines change the angles
What was the inspiration for the Dome of Florence?
the Pantheon in Rome
What was the style of the Dormo
Bell tower and body- Italian Gothic style
Dome- Early Renaissance
Facade- New gothic style
What was the exact time period for the Renaissance
What was the goal of classical art culture
To capture the ideal human figure through CANON proportions; the perfect body form represents beauty and good.
How did Giotto have anything to do with the Renaissance
He was the precursor of the Renaissance
Who brought back the ancient method of nudity in their sculptures and revived it as beauty
Donatello’s bronze David
what was the importance of adding the astrological aspect in the small dome ?
It reflects the importance and belief that the cosmos have a connection to human endeavors
who was the main creator of the saint Lorenzo basilica