ARMY COMMAND POLICY (AR 600-20) Flashcards
What does AR 600-20 cover?
A: policies and responsibilities of command. discipline, conduct, EO,SHARP
What is Command?
A: What is exercised by virtue of office and the special assignment of members of the United States
Armed Forces.
What is a Commander?
A: A commissioned or WO who, by virtue of grade and assignment, exercises primary command authority over
a military organization.
What are the key elements of command?
A: Authority and Responsibility.
Who is responsible for establishing leadership climate of the unit and developing disciplined
and cohesive units?
A: The Commander.
Para 1-5 How do Leaders develop a positive Command Climate?
A: If leaders consider their Soldiers’ needs and care for their Well-being, and if they demonstrate genuine concern
for their Soldiers, they will build a positive Command Climate.
Para 1-5 What is Duty?
A: obedient and disciplined performance.
Para 1-5 How will Soldiers with a sense of duty perform?
A: Soldiers with a sense of duty accomplish tasks given them, seize opportunities for self-improvement, and accept
responsibility from their superiors.
para 2-1 Who is responsible for everything their unit does or fails to do?
A: The commander.
Para 2-1 Can a Leader assign responsibility and authority to their subordinates?
A: Yes; But overall responsibility still is still the Leaders responsibility.
Para 2-1 What must Soldiers do when they need to communicate issues and problems?
A: They must use the Chain of Command.
Para 2-2 What does an Open Door Policy allow?
A: allows members of the command to present facts, concerns, and problems of a personal or professional nature
or other issues that the Soldier has been unable to resolve.
Para 2-10 Can an NCO, SPC or PVT assume command of a unit?
A: Yes in emergency situations.
at is the NCO support channel?
A: It is a channel of communication and supervision from the command sergeant major (CSM) to first sergeant
(1SG) and then to other NCOs and enlisted personnel of the units.
Para 2-18 Do NCO’s have the authority to apprehend any person subject to trial by court-martial
under the MCM?
A: Yes.
Para 2-18 Can NCO’s order enlisted Soldiers into arrest or confinement per the MCM?
A: Yes; if authorized by their commanders.
Para 2-18 Can an NCO deliver the DA Form 2627 (Record of Proceedings under UCMJ, ART. 15) and
inform the Soldier of his or her rights?
A: Yes. an NCO in the grade of Sergeant First Class or above.
Para 2-18 What is a key tool that NCO’s have that is essential to furthering the efficiency of the
company, battery, or troop?
A: Corrective Actions.
Para 2-18 What is the purpose of corrective actions?
A: to prevent incidents that make it necessary to resort to trial by courts-martial or to impose nonjudicial
Para 2-18 What is the function of NCO’s on work details?
A: NCO’s can only serve as supervisory roles on work details.
Para 2-18 What privileges should a Commander give to NCO’s?
A: NCO’s should be granted certain Privileges to enhance the prestige of their enlisted troop leaders
Para 2-19 How do you determine seniority between Enlisted members of the same rank?
- By DOR.
- By length of active Federal Service in the Army.
- By length of total active Federal Service.
- By date of birth.
How long should corrective measures be taken?
A: Corrective training should continue only until the training deficiency is overcome.
Para 4-7 Can Commanders direct subordinates to take particular disciplinary actions or
unnecessarily restrict disciplinary authority of subordinates?
A: No.
Para 4-14 Can Soldiers that are Officers or Enlisted loan money to each other?
A: No.
Para 4-20 What is Hazing?
A: any conduct whereby one military member or employee, unnecessarily causes another military member or
employee, to suffer or be exposed to an activity that is cruel, abusive, oppressive, or harmful.
Para 5-5 When must single pregnant female Soldiers be counseled on requirement for a Family Care
A: as soon as pregnancy is identified.
Para 5-5 How long do Soldiers have to complete the Family Care Plan after being counseled by the
A: 30 days or 60 days
Para 5-5 What should a commander do if a deployed Soldier’s circumstances beyond the Soldier’s
control preclude the designated guardian from exercising those responsibilities?
A: May authorize leave for a deployed Soldier to return home
Para 5-5 What should a Commander do if a Soldiers fails to complete a Family Care Plan?
A: consider initiating a bar to reenlistment against Soldiers who fail to properly manage personal, marital, or Family
affairs, or who fail to provide or maintain adequate Family care plans
5-5 What should a commander do if a deployed Soldier’s circumstances beyond the Soldier’s
control preclude the designated guardian from exercising those responsibilities?
A: May authorize leave for a deployed Soldier to return home
Para 5-6 Can religious headgear be worn while in uniform?
A: Yes.
Q.Para 5-6 What are some of the reasons that commanders may deny requests for accommodation of
religious practices?
A: When accommodation will have an adverse impact on unit readiness, individual readiness, unit cohesion, morale,
discipline, safety, and/or health.
Para 5-6 What must a commander do if they deny a religious request?
A: prepare a memorandum specifying the basis for denial and provide a copy of the memorandum to the Soldier.
Para 5-14 What is the difference between a memorial ceremony and a memorial service?
A: The Memorial Ceremony is a Command Program and the Memorial Service is religious oriented.
When was the NCO support channel formally recognized?
20 December 1976
What is the Sergeants business?
To train and lead soldiers
Explain the Chain of Command
The succession of commanders superior to subordinates through which command is exercised
Define Responsibility
Being accountable for what you do
How does the Chain of Command support the NCO support channel?
By legally punishing those who challenge a sergeant’s authority
Define Duty.
Duty is a legal or moral obligation to do what should be done without being told to do it
What is the role of the CSM?
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Battalion commander
How does a Commander exercise command?
Through subordinate commanders
When was the position of Sergeant Major of the Army established?
4 July 1966
What is the NCO Support Channel?
It is the channel of communication that reinforces the Chain of Command
What must a Sergeant have in order to accomplish Sergeant’s Business?
The Skill, ability and Leadership to train soldiers for combat and lead them into combat