Arms Race Flashcards
Who created the first nuclear weapon?
When did the USA launch the world’s first atomic bomb?
How long after the USA did the USSR create their first atomic bomb?
4 years
Who created the first hydrogen bomb?
When was the first hydrogen bomb created?
November 1952
How long after the USA did the USSR create their first hydrogen bomb?
1 year
Where was the first atomic bomb dropped?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan
What conflict did the USA become involved in 1950?
Korean War
When did the USSR develop their first hydrogen bomb?
When did Stalin die?
Who replaced Stalin?
Nikita Khrushchev
Who was Nikita Khrushchev?
A far more peaceful president who replaced Stalin
What did both Khrushchev and Kennedy want to do?
Reduce the proportion of arms in their respective countries and cut down on defence spending
What did Khrushchev propose after he agreed with Kennedy it was in both their interests to reduce arms and defence spending? (3)
He proposed the reduction of both sides’ armed forces,
the eventual abolition of all nuclear weapons
and the creation of an international inspection to oversee this
What did Kennedy want to create after he agreed with Khrushchev it was in both their interests to reduce arms and defence spending?
The USA wanted to create an ‘open skies’ policy where they would allow Soviet spy-planes to check on the USA’s weapon reduction if the USSR allowed the same policy to take place over their territory
Why did the disarmament not happen in the 1950s?
The USA dropped their proposals because the USSR would not agree to their ‘open skies’ policy proposal
Who developed the first ICBM?
When was the first ICBM created?
After what event did the USA become increasingly worried that their country was falling behind and losing the ‘race’ (even though they weren’t)?
The USSR’s creation of the world’s first ICBM (inter-continental ballistic missile) in 1957
What were U2 spy planes used by the USA to do?
From 1957, the USA used them to keep a check on the Soviet military position
Why were U2 planes used by the USA?
They could take aerial photographs from 70,000 feet so were useful in keeping a check on the USSR’s military position
What did the USA discover as a result of using U2 spy-planes?
The USSR only had a limited number of ICBMs and the USA remained the more formidable force in terms of armaments
What agreement was made in 1963?
The Americans, Soviets and British agreed to a Nuclear Test Ban
When was the Nuclear Test Ban made?
August 1963
What did the Nuclear Test Ban consist of?
All three countries agreed to not carry out any further tests of nuclear weapons
Why did the relationship fall apart again in 1964?
Khrushchev fell from power and his successor, Leonid Brezhnev, increased Soviet spending on defence again
What military conflict did the USA get involved in in 1965?
Vietnam War
Which event allowed the USSR to catch up with the USA in terms of spending on weapons?
The USA was bogged down in Vietnam by the conflict (they had to get involved because of their policy of containment) and this diversion of attention allowed the USSR to catch up
By which year was the gap officially bridged by the Soviets?