aristotle Flashcards
what are the four causes
- material
- efficient
- formal
- final
how is aristotle different to plato
it emphasizes the value of studying the physical world - his approach is empirical. he rejects plato’s theory of the forms as the relationship between the forms and objects in the material world was never explained
1st cause
the material cause - refers to what the substance is made of. the materials represent the impermanence of this world as materials can warp and react.
what do the causes explain
why a thing exists as it does
2nd cause
the efficient cause - the cause of an object existing. eg a book exists because someone wrote it. a fallen tree exists because a gust of wind knocked it down. can have multiple efficient causes.
3rd cause
the formal cause - what gives the matter its form and structure. eg table wood is cut and arranged in a particular way. what are its characteristics.
4th cause
the final cause - why something is the way it is, in functional terms. this is teleological (to do with the function of an object or the reason an action is done). the purpose behind the object and the reason it exists at all.w
what was the final cause for humans according to aristotle
the telos of a human being was to be rational and moral
the prime mover explain
everything in life is changing and everything that exists is in a permanent state of movement or motion. = there must be something in existence whihc causes the motion without being moved and is eternal == PRIME MOVER outside the universe.
everything must have a final cause/purpose, so there must be an ultimate cause. the prime mover is the final cause.
the prime mover is fully actualised as to be not would mean there is room for improvement so something that is eternal cannot be changing to improve
in metaphysics, aristotle likens the prime mover to god.
aristotle’s book
plato’s book
the republic.
what does the prime mover exist to do
be a leader
be in the order of the universe
strengths of aristotle x3
- provides clear reason why motion and change happen. everything in the physical world is drawn to the prime mover through a desire to reach our telos
2.supported by clear empirical evidence. the 4 causes are observed from all things in the universe. - scholars argue the main strength is he uses an a posteriori approach whereas plato uses a priori but how can we not trust our senses when they are responsible for our being and survival
- supported by ockham’s razor
weaknesses of aristotle
- plato and descartes argue that senses are unreliable as they can deceive us eg how in dreams, we are convinced everything is real. rationalists would argue for an a priori approach
- no clear evidence there is a final cause for everything. some philosophers claim the universe has no purpose. we experience change but this does not prove there is a being causing it
- Russell and Hume would argue that the universe is just a brute fact. whereas, aristotle is trying to argue there is a purpose behind the world as a whole
- modern physics suggests that the universe has a definite beginning eg the big bang theory as the definite starting point rather than existing as an eternal/continuous state. aristotle make an assumption that matter is eternal.
- he says the prime mover is ‘seperate to sensible things’ - but if this is true how can we know about it from knowledge that comes from experience? he ends up appealing to something outside the universe which is no better than plato’s ideal forms.(counter that with its not a god who you have a relationship with, this has been able to be observed hes only saying theres an entity.)
plato summarised
- utopian, idealistic and otherworldly - hope?
- this is a priori - gaining understanding thorugh logical reasoning. built from model of maths, knowledge independent of experience (all can do maths)
- two worlds a real and material world. real world is the world of forms where our souls belong. the material world is a world of shadows and copies of original forms.
- we need the form of the good to gain true understanding of reality.
- true knowledge comes from recollections of the true forms in the real world. our soul is what connects us to this world