areas of research Flashcards
quantitative data
-data gathered such that they can be quantified (numbers)
-examine relationships among variables
-determine if discoveries are generalizable
-statistical analysis
-can be easier to summarize or bring together
-more objective, use same thing to measure people (can compare between tests easier)
-giving up personal perspective
usually self report **
data gathered such that they can be analyzed through informed judgment (words)
-smaller focused samples
-focus is on the complexity of the phenomenon
-how we asked qustions will effect answers
quantitative data generally gathered by….. and used for…
surveys/questionnaires/physiological or performance measures
hypothesis testing
qualitative data generally gathered by… generally used for…
researcher is the “instrument” for collecting data through interviews, open-ended responses on surveys
exploring concepts - hypothesis-generating
big difference bw what quantitative and qualitative data have
Qualitative research has no variables**
as soon as u apply frequencies or counts then we have quantitative data**
mixed methods
both quantitative and qualitative methods are included within a research study
-more than simply collecting and analyzing both kinds of data
-strength of study is greater than either approach alone
strengths of qualitative study usually..
weakness of quantitative study and vice versa
quantitative surverys measure
quantitative surveys guided by
-theories guide conceptual framwork for measurement
-trait or state ?
-one dimensional or multidimenesional
multidimensional subscales influence one score at the end
quantitative surveys factors / issues
validity (accuracy) and reliability
-social desirability : responses that make the responder look better
-acquiescence : tendency for survey respondents to agree with statements regardless of their content particularly when they are unsure of the answer
(acquee = agree)
quant surveys factors cont
extremity : tendency to endorse the most extreme response categories regardless of the question
leniency : unrealistically favourable rating to a known person
(leanient with kid, rate higher)
performance measures
speed, accuracy
reaction time
motion analysis
movement skills
physical/physiological measures
weight, height, BMI , body fat, lean mass
BP, CV disease indicators, hormones, cardiac output, lung volume, resting met rate
MRI fMRI CAT scans
micronutrients (vits/mins)
data collection in qualitative data
visual method
uncover whats not directly observable
discover what meaning experience has for individual
participants perform (make themselves sound good, looking for certain answer)
want to remain neutral
make participants comfortable
type of interview : structured
all participants : same questions, same order
reflects a deductive approach (rules) (you are trying to confirm a theory)
-cant probe further
semi structured
all participants : asked about same broad topics, but may focus on some areas
-more inductive (trends) (most popular, trying to inform theory)
-most common
-q’s might be diff
-able to follow up (more context and detail)
-researcher influences process more
(informal conv interviews)
-maximum flexibility, spontaneous questioning
-dont usually share your own personal experiences
-build raport and build trust
-researcher sharing things as well
-back and forth
focus groups
-bring together people to talk about a topic
-typically participants have a characteristic in common
-create dialogue about a certain topic
-often combined with interviews
advantages: time efficient, diff perspectives, more comfortable
disadvantages : could be uncomfortable, dominating, influence opinion, cant insure aninimity
detailed description of behaviours, actions, interactions
observe research setting first hand
learn things that people may be unwilling to talk about in an interview
visual methods : found visual data
pre existing representations already in the field
studying excerpts from records, diaries, policy documents, photos
co-constructed visual data
researcher and participant create visual data (auto-photgraphy)
newspaper, magazine, books, films, tv programs
interviews criteria
different from everyday convos in terms of roles and expectations
-goal to gain insight and understanding
-can compliment quantitative research
stregnths of interview
ability to capture verbal and non verbal cues
detailed information
challenges of interviews
time consuming
balance of warmth and detachment
active listening
respectful of feelings