area under SCM Flashcards
contents of carotid sheath
common and internal carotid aa internal jugular v vagus ansa cervicalis, superior root inside sheath, inferior root on its lateral surface deep cervical lymph nodes
relationships of carotid sheath
deep to SCM following its ant border
a anteromedial and v posterolateral
X descends in post groove btwn vessels
ansa cervisalis
lat to common and internal carotid aa (sup root)
crosses the internal jugular v ant adn courses sup, lat, and post on its surface (inf root)
common carotid a
left side longer then right
extends to sup horn of thyroid cartilage opposite CV3 to terminate as internal and external carotids
carotid sinus
dilated distal common and proximal carotids
pressure receptor
carotid body
at carotid bifurcation
internal carotid a
ascends w/in sheath to base of skull to enter carotid canal to supply orbit and brain
external carotids
originates in carotid triangle near sup horn of thyroid cartilage
gives off 4 brr
crossed lat by post belly of diagastric and stylohyoid mm to give off 5th and 6th brr
crossed lat by XII
terminates near neck of mandible by bifurcating into maxillary and superficial temporal aa
brr of external carotids
superior thyroid (sometimes comes from common) ascending pharyngeal lingual facial occipital posterior auricular
carotid triangle boundaries
sup belly omohyoid
post diagastic
contents of carotid triangle
carotid bifurcation internal jugular v X XI sympathetic trunk all at risk during surgery
superior thyroid a
1st br external carotid courses along sup medial margin of thyroid brr: -sup laryngeal -ant br -post br
superior laryngeal a
pierces thyrohyoid membrane w/internal laryngeal n (X) to provide brr to interior larynx
ant br of superior thyroid a
brr to ant portion of thyroid and anastomoses w/contralateral counterpart
post brr of superior thyroid a
brr to posterior portion of gland and anastomoses brr of inferior thyroid a
ascending pharyngeal a
arises from medial aspect of the external carotid near bifurcation
travels in CT lateral to pharyngeal wall medial to internal carotid a and courses straight to base of skull
brr of ascending pharyngeal a
pharyngeal a
palatine a
inferior tympanic a
meningeal a
lingual a
may arise from common trunk w/facial a usually opposite greater horn of hyoid
passes deep to hypoglossus m to enter tongue
brr of lingual a
dorsal lingual
deep lingual
facial a
may arise from common trunk w/lingual or above it
courses obliquely ant deep to posterior diagastric and stylohyoid crosses submandibular gland
leaves submadibular region by coursing around sharp inf border mandible at ant edge of masseter and enter face
brr of facial a
tonsillar ascending palatine galndular muscular submental
occipital a
passes post from external carotid at inf border of post belly of diagastric to pass btwn the transverse process of atlas and mastoid
superficial at superior extent of post triangle to pierce cervical fascia where SCM and Trap come together then parallels greater occipital n
XI crosses it at origin
occipital a brr
SCM br menigeal a auricular a mastoid a descending br
internal jugular v
largest vv of head and neck
receives blood from face, neck, and brain via dural sinuses
begins as dilation (sup jugular bulb) at jugular foramen
ends as inferior bulb post to SC joint to join subclavian forming brachiocephalic v