ARD/ARF Flashcards
All of the following are risk factors for what?
Chest Trauma
Pneumonia (infectious or aspiration)
Pulmonary Contusion
Inhalation Injury (smoke; toxins)
Pulmonary Embolus
Sepsis, shock
Multiple Blood Transfusions
Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Drug/Alcohol Overdose
Acute Respiratory distress
Name some risk factors of ARDS
Chest Trauma
Pneumonia (infectious or aspiration)
Pulmonary Contusion
Inhalation Injury (smoke; toxins)
Pulmonary Embolus
Sepsis, shock
Multiple Blood Transfusions
Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Drug/Alcohol Overdose
The following describes what?
- Acute onset of less than 7 days of non-cardiac pulmonary edema
- Progressive refractory hypoxemia
- Bilateral infiltrates
- It is further classified in terms of severity through evaluation of the PaO2/FIO2 ratio, the ratio of the partial pressure of oxygen over the fraction of inspired oxygen
The following describes what phase of ARDS
- Occurs 24-48 hrs after injury
- Inflammatory mediators activated and released
- Disruption of Alveolar-Capillary Membrane (ACM)
- Fluid moves from capillaries into the interstitial spaces and alveoli
Exudative Phase
THe following describe what phase of ARDS
- Fluid continues to fill the alveoli
- Edema results in severe V/Q mismatch
- Pulmonary HTN develops
- Hypoxemia results
- R-sided heart failure
- Lungs become stiff and non-compliant
Proliferative Phase
The following describes what phase of ARDS
- Pulmonary HTN worsens
- Heart failure worsens
- Diffuse fibrosis and scarring
- Severe tissue hypoxia and lactic acidosis
Fibrotic phase
Name some clinical manifestations of ARDS
- Dyspnea, “can’t get enough air in”
- Tachypnea
- Crackles on auscultation (from non-cardiac pulmonary edema)
- May have decreased breath sounds
- Tachycardia
- Severe hypoxemia DESPITE administration of 100% oxygen (REFRACTORY HYPOXEMIA)
- Deteriorating ABG levels
- Bilateral pulmonary infiltrates
How does a ARDS patients CHXR look?
- Bilateral infiltrates
- Ground-glass apperance
- Whiteout effect/Snowscreen
What is this treatment for ARDS?
- primary treatment for the refractory hypoxemia of ARDS.
- It is initiated as lung compliance decreases, work of breathing increases, and oxygenation continues to be refractory regardless of interventions such as NPPV and other oxygen therapies.
- There are several modes of used in ARDS.
Mechanical ventilation
What type of treatment for ARDS is this?
- The high flow rate results in a “washout” of nasopharyngeal dead space.
- Produces a CPAP effect
- Decreased risk of nosocomial infection 40% failure rate
High flow nasal cannulas (HFNC)
What treatment for ARDS is this?
- Uses a pump to circulate blood through an artificial lung outside of the body where oxygenation and CO2 removal takes place and the blood is returned
- Recent technological improvements have made it safer Many risks
Extracorporeal Membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
What type of treatment for ARDS is this
- A type of mechanical ventilation.
- Lungs are filled with perfluorocarbon liquid to a volume less than or equivalent to function residual capacity and then vented using a standard mechanical vent
- Decreases shunt associated with ARDS
- Still has ongoing research to evaluate its efficacy
High-frequency oscillating ventilation
What phase of ARDS is this?
- Occurs within 24-48 hrs after injury.
- Fluid moved from capillaries to interstitial space to alveoli.
- Protein moves from vascular space. All leads to pulmonary edema which causes V/Q mismatch
The following are S/S of what phase of ARDS
- Hyperventilation
- Tachycardia
- CHXR: Bilat infiltrates or pulmonary edema
- V/Q Mismatch
- Respiratory alkalosis
Exudative phase
What phase of ARDS is this?
V/Q Mismatch worsens>pulmonary HTN occurs>R-sided heart failure>Fibrotic changes occur in lungs which cause lungs to become “stiff” and “noncompliant” which increases work of breathing
The following are S/S of what phase of ARDS
- Hypercarbia
- Refractory Hypoxiemia
- Lung Compliance deteriorates
- If pt is vented inspiratory pressures rise d/t decreased lung compliance which requires more pressure
- Increasing PaCO2
What phase of ARDS is this?
Fibrosis and scarring severely impair gas exchange and lung compliance. Pulmonary HTN worsens, R-sided heart failure worsens Decreased L-sided heart pre-load
All of the following are S/S of what phase of ARDS
- Hypotension
- Decreased cardiac output
- Severe V/Q Mismatch
- Diffusion defects
- Intrapulmonary shunting
- Refractory hypoxemia
- Tissue hypoxemia
- Lactic Acidosis
What are some s/s of the exudative phase of ARDS?
- Hypotension
- Decreased cardiac output
- Severe V/Q Mismatch
- Diffusion defects
- Intrapulmonary shunting
- Refractory hypoxemia
- Tissue hypoxemia
- Occurs within 24-48 hrs of injury
What are some S/S of the proliferitive phase of ARDS?
- Hypercarbia
- Refractory Hypoxiemia
- Lung Compliance deteriorates
- If pt is vented inspiratory pressures rise d/t decreased lung compliance which requires more pressure
- Increasing PaCO2
What are some S/S of the fibrotic phase of ARDS
- Hypotension
- Decreased cardiac output
- Severe V/Q Mismatch
- Diffusion defects
- Intrapulmonary shunting
- Refractory hypoxemia
- Tissue hypoxemia
- Lactic Acidosis
What are some reasons you would not prone a patient with ARDS?
- Spine instability
- Conditions that increase intracranial pressure
- Pregnancy
- Abdominal wounds
- Unstable peripheral fractures or rib fractures
- Need for frequent airway access
When should you start proning a patient with ARDS?
Should be implemented withing 72 hrs of dx
How long should a patient remain in the prone position?
up to 20 hours per day
Name ways a patient can be placed in the prone position
- Manually turning patient
- using mechanical device
- place the patient in trendelenburg or reverse tendelenburg as needed
What needs to be done an hour before proning a patient?
enteral feedings
Medications usde to treat ARDS
- Antibiotics
- Corticosteroids
- Neuromuscular blocking agents
- Sedatives
- IV hydration
- Nutrition: Enteral & Perenteral
- Respiratory tmnt
- Diuretics
- Anticoags
- Analgesics
- Intropic medications
Describe how abx are used in the treatment of ARDS?
Broad spectrum ABX are used initially then after the C&S come back narrow spectum based on the results are started
Nursing Dx for ARDS
- Impaired gas exchange
- Anxiety
- Imbalanced Nutrition
What is this?
This affects ability of the lungs to produce O2 and get rid of CO2. With ARDS and ARF lungs become stiff and noncompliant d/t fibrotic changes. As lungs become more stiff and noncompliant
Lung compliance
the volume of air moved with one breath, one inhalation and exhalation
Tidal volumes
What is this called?
damage d/t mechanical ventilation. Causes can be:
* Inflammatory-cell infiltrates
* Increased vascular permeability
* Pulmonary edema
* Barotrauma
Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury or VILI
What is air in mediastinal space called?
What is air in the pleural space called?
When is treatment for ARDS considered effective?
when pt returns to baseline. Ideally pt will be able to continue previous lifestyle with no long term respiratory issues.
The clinical manisfestations of ARDS are caused by what three things?
- Refractory hypoxemia
- Pulmonary edema
- Lung tissue changes
EARLY signs of ARDS
- Dyspnea
- Tachypnea
- Accessory muscle use
- Crackles
- Diminished or absent breath sounds
- Atelectasis
- Anxiety/Agitation
List components of the nursing assessment for a patient with ARDS
- Hemodynamic monitoring
- Neurological assessment
- Respiratory assessment
- Urine output
- Mechanical ventilation
- Laboratory tests
- Skin assessment
PRIORITY nursing actions for a patient with ARDS
- Suction airway as needed
- Administer meds as prescribed
- Patient positioning
- Prevet/protect from infection
when increasing oxygen delivery for a patient does not improve the hypoxia and the o2 stat worsens
Refractory Hypoxemia