AR 95-1 Flashcards
An individual has received a waiver for not completing their ATP requirements? Who may grant such a waiver? If the individual has not completed their APART requirements (who has been affected by a waiver) for the preceding 24 months, what must occur?
The first commander O6 in the individuals chain if command. They must be designated RL3 until all APART requirements are met.. This requirement is not waiverable.
Who is required to close the flight plan once it is terminated?
PC’s need to close their flight plans once a flight has terminated.
In regards to ALSE, what is the PC’s responsibilities before flight?
PC’s will ensure that ALSE commensurate with the mission and the operational environment is available on the aircraft and that aircrew members and passengers are briefed on its location and use.
When must aircraft be weighed?
Aircraft must be weighed when: • Overhaul or major airframe repairs are accomplished • Modifications of 1 percent or greater of the aircraft’s basic weight are applied • Any modifications or component replacements (including painting) have been made for which the weight and center of gravity cannot be accurately computed. • Weight and balance data records are suspected to be in error. • Every 24 months for class 2 aircraft and 36 months for class 1
THE AVIATOR FLYING ON TAKEOFF who has logged more than __________ hours or more of actual weather time as a pilot in command has no Army take off minimums. Instrument time in the simulator does not apply.
50 hours
At a minimum, what must an MBO review and assess?
• The flight is in support of the unit and has passed step one in the approval process • The crew understands the mission and posses the SA to complete the mission • The crew has had adequate mission planning time • Assigned flight crew are qualified and current including ALSE and reading card • Weather • Crew endurance • Risks are mitigated to the lowest level • Required special equipment is operational
How low can you an aviator fly over a National security area which is not prohibited or restricted?
2000 feet AGL
If your aircraft is installed with a flight data recorder, and the data recorder is failed, must you cancel mission? What type of information (secret, classified, etc…) may be on the device?
You do not have to cancel the mission, but the recorder should be operational for all flight. The information may be classified or sensitive in nature and should be protected as such.
Aircraft engaged in over-water flights will adhere to what requirements?
• Life preservers – All personnel aboard Army single engine or multi-engine aircraft that do not have single engine flight capability that are flown beyond gliding distance of land, will wear life preservers. • Life Rafts – Life rafts sufficient for all personnel on board are required on all Army aircraft during flights made in excess of 30 minutes flying time or 100 NM from the nearest shoreline
How long must copies of the unit risk assessment worksheet and DA 5484 be maintained?
30 days
What is so important about crew endurance?
Risks increase due to sleep depravation and fatigue. Flight surgeon and safety officer should give advice to the commander in developing the crew endurance program.
All army aircraft that are instrumented for IFR flight and are flown by an instrument rated pilot will operate on IFR flight plans except when?
• Flight is primarily VFR training • Time will not permit mission completion under IFR • Mission can only be accomplished under VFR • Excessive ATC departure, en route, or terminal area delays are encountered • Hazardous WX conditions must be avoided • Aircraft is being flown single pilot
Under what conditions can aircrew choose not to use the checklist?
While airborne, when time does not permit, use of the checklist or when its use would cause a safety hazard, required checks may be accomplished from memory.
An SP must always evaluate other IPs and SPs. When could two IP’s evaluate one another?
For NVD and aircraft currency
What are your fuel requirements?
At takeoff, aircraft must have enough fuel to reach their destination and alternate airport (if applicable) and have a planned fuel reserve as required by AR 95-1.
How may steps are included in the mission approval process? What are they?
• Initial mission approval- alignment with METL and aircraft available • Mission planning and briefing – Planning and risk assessment • Final mission approval – Risk approval authority initials/signs the risk with the MBO and PC
Who may fly army aircraft?
• Army active and RC rated aviators that have completed qualification, training, evaluation, and currency requirements. • Civilians who have appropriate ratings and certifications and written authorization from the appropriate commander. • Aviators in other services with the same requirements as stated above • Foreigners with the same requirements as above, in a addition to a letter absolving the US government for liability. • Flight school students, flying with IP, SP, IE. • Individuals receiving training that are part of DAMO AV– Must be trained be DES • Flight surgeons or PA when not more than 1 pilot is required as a minimum crew. IP must be at a set of controls.
How long does a crew member have to turn in their IFRF and IATF when reporting to a new duty station? Should the aviator allow the records to be shipped?
Crew members should HAND CARRY their records and turn them in within 14 calendar days after reporting for duty or placement on flying status.
How often must weight and balance files be checked for accuracy?
Every 90 days
Smoking and open flames are prohibited within how many feet of military aircraft?
50 feet.
If an aviator has not completed an instrument EVAL with an IE within the proceeding ________ months, can they fly into forecast IMC. What if they have a waiver
12 months, the aviator can not fly into forecast IMC, and it is not waiverable.
What DA form is used for logging flight time?
DA Form 2408-12
Can aircraft be flown into thunderstorms?
Can a UT conduct emergency procedure training or evaluating ATM individual, crew, or maintenance tasks?
UT’s are prohibited from conducting emergency procedures training in the aircraft as well as evaluating ATM tasks.
What if there is intermittent weather conditions?
predominant weather will apply.
What is the Class 1 aircraft? What is a class 2 aircraft? (This question is in reference to weight and balance)
Class 1 = Aircraft whose weight or CG can sometimes be exceeded by loading arrangements normally used in tactical operations. Therefore, limited control is needed. Class 2 = Aircraft whose weight or CG limits can readily be exceeded by loading arrangements normally used in tactical operations or those aircraft designed primarily - for personal use only AR 95-1 - 10 for transporting troops and other passengers. Therefore a high degree of loading control is needed. Also, all aircraft who weight and balance is not stated in the operator’s manual will be considered Class 2.
What are traffic pattern altitudes normally set to?
1500 feet AGL.
Traffic pattern altitudes at Army airfields for airplanes should be set at _____feet AGL.
1500 feet AGL.
If you want to stay over the top for longer than 30 minutes, what is required?
The aircraft is equipped for IMC and all IFR flight rules can be met for the for the remainder of flight.
What is the controlling visibility factor when published and reported for a runway
RVR (Runway Visual Range)
What if there is no local weather reporting?
You are allowed to use the Terminal Area Forecast.
How do you convert RVR to miles or metric equivalent?
You must use the conversion table in the DOD or government FLIP.
Is single pilot operation in IMC allowed?
No, it is prohibited
Can aircraft be intentionally flown into known or forecasted extreme turbulence or known severe turbulence?
How often must METS/SWETS (dunkers) be completed?
Every four years for aircrews performing overwater operations (deck landings or flights requiring a life preserver).
How far above must an army aircraft fly above national parks, monuments, recreation areas administered by , NPS, FS, etc…
2000 feet
What are some ATP requirements?
Hour requirements, tasks and iterations identified in the ATM, SFTS requirements, RL Progression and APART
If an aviator fails a hands on performance test what actions must occur?
The following could happen: -Reclassify RL level -Authorize additional training if necessary -Impose suspension if necessary and then look at 600-105 for FEB purposes -Reevaluate and provide additional training
Are there any restriction to beginning an IFR approach as far as ceiling and visibility are concerned?
For all IFR and VFR cross country flights, when will the weather forecast become void?
1 hour and 30 minutes from the time the forecast is received. You can extend if needed and pilots should update weather briefing information on stopover flights.
How many crewmembers will be equipped with a survival radio? Do Army aircraft require an ELT?
Every crewmember will be equipped with a survival radio. ELT’s on Army aircraft should be operational prior to conducting flight operations.
You are flying an unpressurized aircraft, what are your oxygen requirements?
Aircraft crews: • On flights above 10,000 feet PA for more than 1 hour • On flights above 12,000 feet PA for more than 30 minutes Aircraft crew and all other occupants: • On flights above 14,000 feet for any period of time • Above 18,000 feet, oxygen prebreathing will be accomplished
What are the requirements of a visual flight rules flight
destination weather must be forecasted to be equal to or greater than the published weather planning minimum for the approach procedure to be flown at ETA through one hour after ETA.
When should position lights be on?
Position lights will be on bright between official sunset and sunrise.
Can aircraft be flown into icing conditions?
Yes, as long as the aircraft is equipped with adequate operational de-icing or anti-icing equipment. Aircraft WILL NOT be flown into known or forecasted severe icing conditions.
What is the purpose of the ATP?
Standardize training and evaluation to ensure combat readiness.
After a commander investigates, following a crew member not achieving ATP requirements what will the commander do?
The commander can take the following actions: • Authorize the crew member a 30 day extension, the extension begins after the investigation is complete. Commanders can not grant themselves an extension • Request a waiver • Recommend or convene a flight evaluation board
Over the Top flights…How long without any special clearances, can an Aircraft be flown above a cloud or fog layer?
For 30 minutes
Where may you obtain weather information from?
U.S. military weather facilities.
If there is a difference between AR 95-1 and other regulations, what regulation takes precedence?
AR 95-1
When can an aircraft be flown below the MDA or DH?
An aircraft will not be flown below the published MDA or continue below DH unless: • The approach threshold of the runway, approach lights or markings, identifiable with the approach end of the runway or landing area must be clearly visible to the pilot. • The aircraft must be in a position from which a safe approach to the runway or landing area can be made.
What happens if the crew member does not get an extension approved or a waiver approved, or does not complete minimum within the allotted extended time?
The following could happen: - Impose a non-medical suspension -Request a waiver -Recommend or convene a Flight EVAL board
What is done during the planning phase of preflight?
Evaluate the aircraft performance. Evaluate departure, en route, and approach data. Check NOTAMs (including GPS, DAFIF, TFR, and local NOTAMs for entire route to be flown. Check host country requirements and theatre requirements for the entire route to be flown.
Any individual who deviates from regulations in AR 95-1, FAA, or host country must report the details to who and within what time frame?
To the unit commander within 24 hours.
What will the PC ensure in regards to weight and balance?
The accuracy of the computations and ensuring the center of gravity are within limits for the duration of the flight.
What is the required fuel reserve for VFR Day, VFR Night, and IFR
VFR Day: 30 min at cruise VFR Night: 45 min at cruise IFR: 45 minutes at cruise
Who can grant UNIT waivers or extensions?
The first general officer in the Unit chain of command (ACOM’s, ASCC, DRU’s)
GPS is authorized for IFR flight only if what?
IFR GPS is authorized in the applicable sovereign airspace. Installed GPS equipment is certified for IFR operations for the portion of flight it is going to be used IAW publications. Aircraft must also have operational NAVAID receivers for the route to be flown AND the alternate if needed. Precise positioning mode will be used if available. Current FLIP with updated databases. Approved non-corruptible database.
What are the PC’s responsibilities?
The individual responsible for and having final authority for operating, servicing, and securing the aircraft he or she pilots - Qualified current and RL1 - Listed on Flight plan - Responsible for crew and passenger briefing -At a crew station with access to the flight
What is the aircraft currency requirement according to AR 95-1?
If 60 days have elapsed since the last flight as pilot or pilot in command in the aircraft mission, type, design, and series to be flown, the aviator will be administered a PFE in the aircraft appropriate to the ATM
Who is required to take an APART?
All RL1 and DAC crew members
If you do not have more than 50 hours of PC weather time, what are your takeoff minimums?
Ceiling must be 200 feet. Visibility must be 1/2 mile, RVR 2400, or metric equivalent.
How often must aircrews be trained in the operation and use of ALSE?
Prior to initial flight training and at least once annually.
May individuals deviate from the provisions of AR 95-1?
Yes…during emergencies.
Airspace Rules
Army personnel engaged in operation of U.S Army aircraft shall comply with?
- Federal aviation regs, laws, and rules - ICAO regulations - Host country rules - Military regulations - Federal and state laws - DOD FLIP - Operator’s manuals, checklists, and airworthiness releases.
What is involved in flight weather planning?
Pilots will obtain departure, en route, destination, and alternate (if used) weather information before takeoff.
When is an alternate airfield required when filing IFR?
• Radar is required to execute the approach procedure to be flown • The instrument approach NAV aids are unmonitored • The predominant weather for the approach to flown is less than 400/1 at ETA through 1 our after • An alternate is not required if the decent can be made from en route minimum altitude for IFR operation, approach and landing can be made in VFR conditions
When does flight time start and when does it stop?
Flying time starts when an airplane begins to move forward on the take off roll. Flying time ends when the aircraft has landed and the engines are stopped or the flying crew changes
You have determined that an alternate is required. What considerations must you take into account in your alternate airfield selection?
An alternate maybe selected if: • The WX must be better than 400/1 above the WX planning minimum at ETA through 1 hour after. Worst weather conditions apply. • If the decent can be made from en route minimum altitude for IFR operation, approach and landing can be made in VFR conditions. —————————————– An alternate may not be selected if: • GPS is required for the approach • Radar is required for the approach • If Approach procedure says NA • NAV aids are unMonitored • Surface based class B, C, D, E does not exist at the airfield
When are the anti collision lights required to be on? What about position lights?
• Anti-collision lights will be on when aircraft engines are operating except when condition may cause vertigo or other hazards to safety. Position lights will be on bright between official sunset and sunrise. • In addition, lights must be on to the minimum standard based on country regulations. • Commanders may authorize exemptions to lighting requirements in threat environments. Must be clearly defined in SOP.
How often will ARMS inspections be conducted? Should DES be notified?
ARMS inspections will take place every 24-36 months. DES should be notified to conduct flight EVALS.
When ATP requirements are not met a commander must ________________. How long can this _________________ take?
Investigate, the investigation can take no longer than 30 days from the day of notification.
What if there are inoperative components for the approach to be used?
You must adjust the weather planning minimums as indicated by the FLIP.
Anti-exposure suits are required when?
Units will develop a policy for the wear of appropriate anti-exposure suits based on environmental conditions and water is 60 degrees F and below.
Is a crew member who has failed to meet requirements authorized to perform PC or briefing officer duties?
How low can practice hooded approaches be made in an aircraft with dual controls?
To the MDA or DH
You have an Aviator in your ATP who is FAA instrument rated. He doesn’t want to go uncurrent on instruments. Can he use an army aircraft specifically for renewing his currency?
How often must the weight and balance records be reviewed?
Every 12 months