Airspaces & Visibility Minimums Flashcards
What does this picture tell you?
Control tower / no control tower:
Rwy surface:
Rwy length:
Rotation beacon?

Airfield has no Control tower
Runway is hardsurfaced
runway length is 1500ft to 8069ft
No rotating beacon
No services
No navaids
What does this picture tell you?
Control tower / no control tower:
Rwy surface:
Rwy length:
Rotation beacon?

Has a control tower
Surface is hard
length is 1500ft to 8069ft
Has a rotatin beacon
Serviceses are available
no navaids
What does this picture tell you?
Control tower / no control tower:
Rwy surface:
Rwy length:
Rotation beacon?

Has a control tower
Hard surface
Above 8069ft in length
Has rotating beacon
Has most likley services (not depicted but because it has a control tower)
Has navaids
Read the text
1 - The name of the airfield:
2 - 4 letter identifier:
3 - Tower freq:
4 - The star describes:
5 - C with a circle aound is short for:
6 - What is the ATIS freq:
7 - Airfield elevation:
8 - Light conditions:
9 - Runway length:

1 - Carins AAF
3 - CT: 135.2
4 - Tower is part time operation
5 - CTAF - Common Traffic Advisory Frequence
6 - 111.2 or 316.15
7 - 301 MSL
8 - Light operation from sunset to sunrise
9 - 5000ft

Read the text:
1 - The name of the airfield:
2 - 4 letter identifier:
3 - What is AWOS? and the freq:
4 - Runway length:
5 - What is the CTAF freq:
6 -Light conditions:
7 - Airfield elevation:

2 - K12J
3 - AWOS = Automated surface weather, 119.326
4 - 5100 ft
5 - 122.725
6 - Lightning limitations exist - refer to supplement
7 - 99ft MSL
How is class A airspace depicted on the chart?
Not depicted - starts at and includes 18.000 ft MSL
How is class B depicted on the chart?
Blue solid line

How is class C depicted on the chart?
Magents solid line

How is class D airspace depicted on the chart?
Blue dotted line

How is class E depicted on the map
From Surface: Magenta dotted line
With floor at 700 ft agl - Shaded magenta
With floow at 1200 ft agl - Where no other airspace is depicted
With floor above 1200 ft agl - blue shaded
How is “Airways” Depicted?
Vague blue line
Has True heading depicted
Total mileage between Navaids

How is Prohibited, Restricted and warning areas depicted?
Blue Brushed lines

How is Alert and MOA areas depicted?
Magenta brushed lines

Mode C Veil zone is Depicted as:
Hard thin dark magenta line - often seen outside Class B airspace

TSRA is depicted as?
Grey line

Describe the Crosshatch, the star, A, H and T:
What does the R after the freq mean?

The R means “recieve only”
*Look at the picture for the rest*

Name the Navaids

How is a Isogonic line depicted:
Magenta line with the deviation written over it.

What does the different obstructions mean?

VMC minima for class A airspace
NONE - Only IFR allowed
VMC minima for class B airspace
3sm visibillity
Clear of clouds
VMC minima for class C airspace
3 SM visibillity
500ft below, 1.000 ft above, 2000ft horizontal to clouds
VMC minima for class D airspace
3 SM visibillity
500ft below, 1.000 ft above, 2000ft horizontal to clouds
VMC minima for class E airspace below 10.000 ft
3 SM visibillity
500ft below, 1.000 ft above, 2000ft horizontal to clouds
VMC minima for class E airspace above 10000ft MSL
5 SM visibillity
10000ft below, 1.000ft above, 1sm horizontal to clouds
Radio requirements in Class B airspace:
Pilot must obtain a clearence before entering airspace.
2-way rdo is permitted
transponder with mode c
Radio requirements in Class C airspace:
2-way rdo communication must be established prior to enterin the airspace
2-way rdo
Transponder with mode C
Radio requirements in Class D airspace:
2-way rdo communication muse be established prior to entering the airspace
2-way rdo is required
Radio requirements in Class E airspace:
No specific equipment is required.
At what altitude does the cruising rule begin?
above but not including 3000ft agl
What type of time is used in the flightplan?
What information about VIP’s would be required on a flightplan?
A code detailing rank, branch and level of reconigtion desired.
How is fuel listed on a flightplan?
Hours + minutes
How can you close flightplans after a flight?
Radio, in person and over the phone
when should a pilot file a DVFR flight plan?
When crossing the air defense identification zone (adiz) VFR
What is a prohibited area?
Airspace where flight is prohibited for security or national welfare
What is a restricted area?
Airspace that is not wholly prohibitet. Activities within R airspace must be confined, and clearence prior to entry should be obtained
What is a warning area?
Airspace extended from 3nm out from the coast of the US. Contains activity that may be hazadous.
What is Military operations areas (MOA’s)?
Airspace with the purpose to seperate certan miitary training activities from IFR traffic.
What is a TRSA?
Terminal Radar Service Area
Areas whith extra radar service
Airport with a R depicted inside it is a _____ airport
Civilian airport traffic pattern height
1000 ft AGL
What is a TFR?
Temporary Flight Restriction