AR 635-200 Active Duty Enlisted Administrative Separations Flashcards
What publication covers Active Duty Enlisted Administrative Separations?
AR 635-200
What does AR 635-200 cover?
Active Duty Enlisted Administrative Separations
What grade is a Soldier reduced to when being recommended for separation under other than honorable conditions?
When a Soldier has 18+ years in service, where does the recommendation of the separation authority go?
Headquarters, Department of the Army for final determination.
Is a soldier required to be counseled and rehabilitated before separation?
When deciding retention or separation, what is considered in a case?
Seriousness of events, likelihood that it will continue, Soldier’s ability to perform effectively, rehabilitative potential, entire military record.
What is a general discharge?
Less than honorable discharge, when a Soldier’s service was satisfactory but likely with some minor disciplinary actions.
What should happen within 4 months after passing 18 years in service?
Enrolled in the Soldier For Life Transition Assistance Program. SFL-TAP.
What are the types of discharge from the Army?
Honorable, general, under honorable conditions, under other than honorable conditions, bad conduct, dishonorable
What are the reasons for a chapter 13 separation?
Unsatisfactory performance
What chapter of separation covers ETS (Expiration of Service Obligation)?
Chapter 4
What chapter of separation is covered in chapter 5?
Convenience of the Government
Which chapter of separation covers Dependency or Hardship?
Chapter 6
What separation is covered in chapter 7?
Defective Enlistments and extensions
Which chapter of separation covers enlisted pregnant women?
Chapter 8
What separation is covered in chapter 9?
Substance abuse rehab failure
Which chapter of separation covers discharge in lieu of trial by court-martial?
Chapter 10
What chapter of separation is chapter 11?
Entry Level Performance and Conduct
Which chapter of separation covers Retirement for Length of Service?
Chapter 12
What is covered in chapter of separation 14?
Separation for misconduct
What is a bar to reenlistment?
Administrative tool commanders use to deny reenlistment to soldiers they believe may be substandard.
Will a Soldier in debt be retained by the Army until that debt is repaid?
No. The Secretary of Army may remit or cancel a Soldier’s debt(s) to the U.S. Army, if such action is in the best interest of the United States, the debt was incurred while on active duty or on active status, and the Soldier received an honorable discharge.