What are the 5 methods of acquiring knowledge?
1.Tenacity- Habit of superstition
- Intuition- Hunch
- Authority- Expertise
- Rationalism-reasoning a logical conclusion
- Empiricism-direct observtaion and sensory experience
What is the method of Tenacity
Continuing to uphold a belif simply because it’s been acceoted by as true for some time (like habit or superstition)
EVen firmly held or longstanding beliefs may not be accurate
What is the method of Intuition?
Choosing something becuase it feels right
Using your gut feeling to make a decision
We tend to remember when our suspicions were confirmed and ignore times that intuition failed us
We rarelt objectively evaluate our accuracy
What is the method of Authority ?
Finding out answers by seeking out an “expert” or authority on teh subject (Chat GPT, Wikipendia, doctors, faith and more)
Can be great starting point for finding out information
Authorities do not always provide us with accurate or up to dtae information
Can look at credentials as a cue for the legitimacy of statements
A common advertising ploy is susing a famous person using an item
What is the method of Rationalism?
Seeking answers through logical reasoning based on using a set of known facts to reach a SPECIFIC conclusion
Not direct observation or gathering information, instaed thinking about an issue, potentially trying out different solutions and arriving at a conclusion
What is a premise statement?
A sentence used in logical reasoning that explains facts or assumptions (assumed or known to be true)
if the premise statements are in fact not true, the conclusions will not be accurate
i.e John is experiencing hallucinations
What is a final statement
Final statement is a logical based conclusion based on the premise statements
i.e John must have schizophrenia
What is the method of Empiricism?
Using observation or direct sensory experience to obtain knowledge
Limitations: empiricism can be time consuming, tedious, or even dangerous
Sensory experiences can be swayed by our own beleifs
Observation can be misinterpreted
What is the method of Scientific Method ?
Means of acquiring knowledge that functions vis formation and tetsings of hypotheses
It is more time consuming than other methods, but the goalis to obtain better quality answers
It helps us be able to be more cofnident taht our answers are indeed accurate
- Systematic empiricism
-Publicly verifiable information
what is Pseudoscience
a set of ideas based on non-scientific theory, faith and belief
What is induction ?
Use of small sets of observation to form genral statements about larger sets of observations
Induction = increase from few to many
What is Deduction?
use of a general statement as the basic for reaching a conclusion about specific exmpales
A general statement is the basis for reaching a conclusion about specific examples
Deduction= decrease from many to specific few
What are the 5 steps of the Scientific Method
1- Observe behaviour or other phenomena
2-Form a tentative answer or explanation
3- Use your hypothesis to generate a testable prediction
4-Evalaute the prediction by making systematic observation
5-Use the observations to support, refute the orginal hypothesis
What is a variable
Characteristics or conditions taht change or have different values for different individuals