Aquifers, wells and radial seepage Flashcards
saturated rock or soil layers that are a source of groundwater
aquifer types
- unconfined
- confined
- semi-confined (leaky)
- perched
a permeable layer with a much smaller k than an aquifer
an impermeable layer - no water passes
Unconfined aquifer
- water table defines upper boundary of aquifer and where water will rise to in well
- exposed to atmosphere at surface of water
Confined aquifer
- Groundwater isolated from atmosphere by aquiclude/aquitard at well location
- Pressure higher than atmospheric at top of aquifer — Piezometric surface is elevation where water will rise to in well and determine is a pump or valve is needed
Perched aquifer
small discontinuous layer
- Location of discontinuous water table
- Exposed to atmosphere at surface
- Unsaturated conditions below
Leaky aquifer
combination of confined and unconfined
- Intermediate between confined and unconfined
- Movement of water through aquitards
well pumping
Creates radial seepage towards well. max drawdown at location on well - cone of depression around well - reduces water level/ piezometric surface.
Pumping test assumptions for confined and unconfined aquifers
1) The well fully penetrates the water-bearing stratum
2) The soil mass is homogenous and isotropic (unlikely average assumed)
3) Darcys law is valid
4) The seepage is radial towards the well (vertical component ignored)
5) At steady state condition the hydraulic gradient is equal to the slope of the drawdown curve
Observation wells
use to measure water height from base of the aquifer at two radii from centre of well –> can then accurately estimate k
R - radius of influence
is the maximum radius where ground water level is effected
what is the key difference in confined and unconfined aquifers
in confined aquifers, H does not change (distance away from the well doesn’t change area).
Unconfined aquifer - A=2pirh
Confined aquifer - A=2pirH
confined aquifer recharge
- Groundwater enters at a source area in order to feed/recharge confined aquifer
- At that location is unconfined becomes confined when head is greater than atmospheric at top boundary
well pumping effects
- Removal of water can change structure of aquifer (reduce void space, settlement of ground surface above, natural system needs to not have a net loss of volume)
- Ground settlement effects (cracking of structures, change in ground elevation)
other well applications
construction dewatering - overlapping zones of influence can bring down overall water table