APUSH UNIT 7 LEQ Flashcards
Relief (for the unemployed), Recovery (for businesses), and Reform (for economic institutions)
FDR’s 3 R’s
Banks would be reopened after congress had reorganized them on a sound basis
Bank Holiday
1st of the fireside radio broadcasts the president reassured the listeners that the banks were safe
Fireside Chats
Spent billions to provide people with jobs
Provided loans to sharecroppers, tenants, and small farmers
Resettlement Administration
Used to make monthly payments to retired people (65+), unemployed, disabled, and dependent children and their mothers
Social Security Act (SSA)
Gov’t that regulated economic activity and aided the poor and unemployed in order to provide economic security for everyone
Limited Welfare State
Encouraged farmers to reduce production. Offered to pay gov’t subsides for every acre they plowed under
Set codes for wages, working hours, level of production, and prices of finished goods
Provided low interest loans and mortgages to prevent foreclosures for farmers
Farm Credit Administration
Hired laborers for temporary construction projects
Guaranteed individual bank deposits
Increased regulation of the banks and limited how banks could invest customers money
Glass Steagall Act
Authorized the gov’t to examine the finances of banks that were closed during the bank holiday
Emergency Banking Act Authorized the gov’t to examine the finances of banks that were closed during the bank holiday
Employed young men to projects on fed lands and paid their families
Allotted money to state and local gov’ts for building roads, bridges, dams, etc leading to jobs
Offered outright grants of fed money to states and local gov’ts that provided relief for the homeless
A gov’t corporation that developed power plants, controlled flooding, and sold electricity in the nations poorest regions
Created to regulate the stock market and placed strict limits on the speculative practices that led to the crash
Insured bank loans for building, repainting, and purchasing houses
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Crippled the opportunity for the US it excess products both agriculture and otherwise on a global market (FARMERS WERE OVER PRODUCING AND IN IMMENSE DEBT)