APU Flashcards
What services does the APU provide
Electric generator 28V dc, pneumatic power for engine start, bleed air for the air conditioning pack
How is the APU controlled and monitored?
Full Authority Digital Electronic Control unit FADEC
What does pressing the APU on/off button do?
Starts the ECU power up sequence and initiates the APU built in test BIT (START button will flash green)
When will the APU START button glow steady green?
When APU is ready to start
APU START button is Amber, that means…
APU start is inhibited
APU starter limitations
3 consecutive unsuccessful attempts with 30 sec between each
Which MFD page has APU info?
STATUS synoptic page
Which tank normally fuels the APU
Right tank
Can the APU be fueled from the left tank?
Yes, via the Xfeed system
Can the APU supply bleed air on the ground and inflight?
If the APU is the only source of power what buses can it power on the ground? Inflight?
Entire electrical load and battery charging
Inflight = no SHED buses
APU altitude limitations
31,000 for start, operation, and power supply
23,000 engine start
Where does the APU get its power for start?
Battery 2
What should you see on the STATUS synoptic page if the APU oil quantity is good?
A green OK
4 conditions that cause APU to auto shutdown in flight AND on ground
Overspeed, underspeed, FADEC internal failure, APU bleed leak