Approaches (minimal) Flashcards
What do behaviourists argue?
that behaviour is learned through experiences and interactions with the environemnt
What do behaviourists say about stimulus response mechanisms?
They argue it is only possible to scientifically investigate what can be directly observed and measure. This includes what you do to a stimulus and the resulting response
What is classical conditioning?
learning by association
Who conducted research for the theory of classical conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov
What was Pavlovs study?
He conditioned a hungry dog getting a dog to salivate to the sound of a bell
What were the findings of Pavlovs study?
Dogs began to salivate not only in response to the neutral stimulus even when the food was not presented. This indicated that the dog had learned to associate the neutral stimulus with the food
What did Pavlov initially study?
digestion in dogs
What is the process for classical conditioning?
when two stimuli are repeatedly paired together - an unconditioned stimulus and a neutral stimulus. The neutral stimulus eventually produces the same response that was produced by the unconditioned stimulus
What is another example of classical conditioning?
Watson and Rayner little albert
What was the little albert study?
Conditioned a fear of white rats and associated the fear with a bang
What is operant conditioning?
behaviour is shaped and maintained by its consequences - positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement
What psychologist is associated with operant conditioning?
What did Skinner do?
He placed a hungry rat or pigeon was placed in an empty box, with controlled contiditions, and observed how animals learned to operate levers to receive a reward (food) or avoid punishment
What were the findings of skinners operant study?
Behaviour is influenced by the consequences that follow, behaviours followed by rewarding consequences are more likely to be repeated whilst those followed by negative consequences are less likely to recur
What is positive reinforcement?
receiving a reward when a particular behaviour is performed
What is negative reinforment?
Behaves in a particular way to avoid or get rid of an unpleasant consequence
What does punishment do?
weakens a behaviour
What variations did Skinner do?
- skinner introduced a light which could act as a signal for the animal to press the lever
- electric shock through the floor and the rat had to press the lever in order to turn off the shock
What type of response is classical conditioning?
an involuntary response - reflex like responses because they are automatic and not under the conscious control
What type of response is operant conditioning?
voluntary response - they a controlled and produce a behaviour with an understanding of the consequences
What does classical conditioning explain?
how automatic responses to new stimuli develop through assoication
A strength of the behaviourist theory is that behaviour therapies are used extensively to treat:
- systematic desensitisation for phobias
- aversion therapy for alcoholism
the patient doesn’t have to think deeply about their problem and search for the cause of the behaviour
What is a strength of the behaviourist approach?
major impact making it more objective and more scientific
What is my 1st weakness of behaviourist approach?
it is too deterministic, suggests we have little control over our behaviour because it is dictated by previous consequences
What is my 2nd weakness of behaviourist approach?
Behaviours only looked at observable behaviour which can be criticised, We miss what is essential to humans, thinking problem solving, the cognitive approach would argue that it is necessary to look at internal cognitive processes
Who is one of the most prominent social learning theorists
What was Banduras study?
Bobo doll study
What did Bandura agree with and what did her argue?
behaviourist principles but argued understanding human behaviour requires recognising learning as a cognitive process which happens in a social context
What happens when we see someone rewarded for a behaviour?
we are more likely to mimic it
What is Vicarious reinforcement?
reinforcement when the observer sees the model receiving a reward
What is vicarious punishment?
Witnessing a role model get punished for an action makes use less likely to adopt that behaviour
What was Banduras aim for the bobo doll study?
He conducted a controlled experiment study to investigate if social behaviours can be acquired by observation and imitation