Approaches- Learning approaches- intro + behaviourism Flashcards
What are the two learning approaches
Behaviouralist approach
Social learning theory
What theories were created and who made them (behaviouralism)
Classical conditioning- Pavlov
Operant conditiong- Skinner
What are the three assumptions/ideas of behaviouralism/ learning approach
Humans are born as a blank slate
All behaviours are learnt from the environment and therefore can be
Our behaviour is all due to learning so free will is not possible
Behaviouralism AO1
Behaviouralists were only interested in studying behaviour that can be observed and measured
Watson rejected introspection claiming it was too subjective and not measurable. Therefore, behaviouralists rely on lab experiments as these are a better way of maintaining control and objectively measuring behaviour.
Behaviouralists believe that animals can replace humans in research because they learn in the same way as humans.