Approaches In Psychology - The Psychodynamic Approach Flashcards
Who proposed the Psychodynamic approach?
Sigmund Freud
What are the different parts of the mind are there according to Freud?
The conscious mind -> the part of our mind that we’re aware of
The pre conscious mind -> under the surface of our conscious (contains thoughts & memories that aren’t currently in our conscious awareness but still can be accessed when desired)
The unconscious mind -> the part of the mind that we’re unaware of but still continues to have a driving force on our behaviour
What is the tripartite personality according to Freud?
What is the ID?
The primitive part of the mind, acts entirely selfishly & demands instant gratification throughout life
What principle does the ID act on?
The pleasure principle
When does the ID develop?
Present at birth
What is the EGO?
The mediator and ‘reality check’ between the ID & SUPEREGO & employs defence mechanisms to help with the conflict between them
What are the 3 defence mechanisms employed by the EGO?
Repression, Denial & Displacement
What principle does the EGO work on?
The reality principle
When does the EGO develop?
Age 2
What is the SUPEREGO?
The internalised sense of right & wrong, represents the moral standards of the same sex parent & punishes the ego for wrong doing using guilt
What principle does the SUPEREGO work on?
The morality principle
What age does the SUPEREGO develop?
Age 5
What are the psychosexual stages?
5 developmental stages that all children pass through. At each stage there is a different conflict and the outcome of which determines future development -> if i child doesnt resolve it they can be ‘stuck’ and carry certain behaviours of that stage to adulthood
What are the 5 psychosexual stages?
When does Oral develop and what is it characterised by?
0-1 years, pleasure is focused at the mouth
What age does Anal develop and what is it characterised by?
1-3 years, pleasure is focused at the anus
What age does Phallic develop and what is it characterised by?
3-5 years, pleasure focused at genital area
What age does Latency develop & what is it characterised by?
Characterised by resolving earlier conflicts (doesnt have an age attached)
What age does Genital develop & what is it characterised by?
Develops during onset of puberty, sexual desires become conscious
What are some strengths of the psychodynamic approach?
The approach has some explanatory power -> has been used to explain a range of phenomena such as personality development or abnormal behaviour, it also draws attention to our connection with childhood experiences & later development
Practical application -> Freud brought a new form of therapy, Psychoanalysis. This has techniques that were used to access the unconscious mind e.g hypnosis which have influenced many modern say psychotherapies. However psychoanalysis has been deemed as inappropriate for patients suffering mild neuroses and can be seen as harmful for those patients
What are some limitations of the psychodynamic approach?
The case study method -> Freud’s theory was based on studies of single individuals e.g. Little Hans, he was criticised because of this as it is not possible to make universal generalisations of human nature based on a couple individual, as well as this Freud’s observations were very subjective as it is highly unlikely another researcher would get the same results that he observed. This means Freud’s approach lacks scientific rigour
Untestable concepts -> Popper said that the psychodynamic approach isnt scientific as it isnt open to empirical testing/able to be disproved as many concepts are said to occur in the unconscious mind (id). Due to this he regarded the psychodynamic approach as pseudoscience rather than an actual science.
Psychic determinism -> the psychodynamic approach explains all behaviour (even accidents) as determined by unconscious conflicts rooted in childhood so that any free will that we have/think we have is actually an illusion.