Approaches Flashcards
What are the 6 approaches?
- Behaviourist
- Humanistic
- Biological
- Psychodynamic
- Cognitive
Outline SLT
- ARMM (Attention, Retention, Motor reproduction, Motivation)
- Vicarious reinforcement
- Pay attention to the actions of others and the consequences of these actions, and decide whether or not to replicate them.
- Role models have a greater influence.
Outline the Behaviourist approach
- Born as a tablua rasa
- New behaviour is learnt through conditioning (Classical/Operant) (Pavlov/Skinner)
Outline the cognitive approach
- How we perceive, store, manipulate and interpret info
- Input, Processing, Output
- Schemas
Outline the Humanistic approach
- Hierarchy of needs
- People have free will
- Looks as what is right about people
- Emphasises the importance of individuals striving towards personal growth and fulfilment
- Congruence with ideal self
Outline the Biological approach
- Behaviour is biological and can be linked to genotypes
- Uses animal studies and twin studies
- Uses brain scans
Outline the Psychodynamic approach
- Id, Superego, Ego
- Oedipus and electra complex
- Oral, Anal Phallic, Latency, Genetialia stages
What are the 5 stages in the psychodynamic approach?
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Gental
What is the Oedipus complex?
- Boy in love with mum
- Scared dad will find out and castrate him
- Boy identifies with dad and internalises his super ego
List (Bottom - Top) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
(Bottom) Physiological needs, Safety/Security, Love and belonging, Self esteem, Self actualisation (Top)
What is the difference between Phenotype and Genotype?
Phenotype- The way in which Genes are physically expressed.
Genotype- The physical genes
What is a schema?
A schema is a mental process where a person can quickly interpret new information based on existing knowledge of the world, allowing us to quickly interpret new information based on existing knowlidge.
What is a positive result of schemas?
Allow us to interpret new information quickly without getting overwhelmed.
What is a negative result of schemas?
Distort are interpretations leading to judgement bias or irrational thinking.
How did Bandura investigate SLT?
The Bobo doll study
- 72 children split into 2 groups of 24
- One group shown aggressive role model, one group shown non-aggressive role model, one group shown no role model
- See how they play with toys
- Observed what role models were most effective