Approaches Flashcards
What are the 6 approaches?
- Behaviourist
- Humanistic
- Biological
- Psychodynamic
- Cognitive
Outline SLT
- ARMM (Attention, Retention, Motor reproduction, Motivation)
- Vicarious reinforcement
- Pay attention to the actions of others and the consequences of these actions, and decide whether or not to replicate them.
- Role models have a greater influence.
Outline the Behaviourist approach
- Born as a tablua rasa
- New behaviour is learnt through conditioning (Classical/Operant) (Pavlov/Skinner)
Outline the cognitive approach
- How we perceive, store, manipulate and interpret info
- Input, Processing, Output
- Schemas
Outline the Humanistic approach
- Hierarchy of needs
- People have free will
- Looks as what is right about people
- Emphasises the importance of individuals striving towards personal growth and fulfilment
- Congruence with ideal self
Outline the Biological approach
- Behaviour is biological and can be linked to genotypes
- Uses animal studies and twin studies
- Uses brain scans
Outline the Psychodynamic approach
- Id, Superego, Ego
- Oedipus and electra complex
- Oral, Anal Phallic, Latency, Genetialia stages
What are the 5 stages in the psychodynamic approach?
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Gental
What is the Oedipus complex?
- Boy in love with mum
- Scared dad will find out and castrate him
- Boy identifies with dad and internalises his super ego
List (Bottom - Top) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
(Bottom) Physiological needs, Safety/Security, Love and belonging, Self esteem, Self actualisation (Top)
What is the difference between Phenotype and Genotype?
Phenotype- The way in which Genes are physically expressed.
Genotype- The physical genes
What is a schema?
A schema is a mental process where a person can quickly interpret new information based on existing knowledge of the world, allowing us to quickly interpret new information based on existing knowlidge.
What is a positive result of schemas?
Allow us to interpret new information quickly without getting overwhelmed.
What is a negative result of schemas?
Distort are interpretations leading to judgement bias or irrational thinking.
How did Bandura investigate SLT?
The Bobo doll study
- 72 children split into 2 groups of 24
- One group shown aggressive role model, one group shown non-aggressive role model, one group shown no role model
- See how they play with toys
- Observed what role models were most effective
What is operant conditioning?
Learning through the consequences of behaviour (Positive reinforcement, Negative reinforcement, Punishment).
What ages do the Id, Ego and Superego develop?
Id (Birth) Ego (2-3years) Superego (5 years)
What are the 3 Psychodynamic defence mechanisms?
Repression, Displacement, Denial.
What is incongruence in the humanistic approach?
Their perceived self is not the same or similar to their ideal self. This is necessary to achieve self-actualisation.
Define Vicarious reinforcement.
When we watch someone complete an action and access the consequences to make a decision whether or not we wish to replicate this action.