Approach to Abdominal Exam 2 Flashcards
What is the sound on percussion of the abdomen?
tympanic (for air)
What is a Murphy sign?
gall bladder disease
What is McBurney’s point?
a location
tenderness over point for apendicitis
What is a Rovsing sign?
press over LLQ & ask where it hurts
if pt has apendicitis, will feel pain in RLQ
What is the order of examination for the abdomen?
Where do you expose the abdomen from during exam?
from xiphoid process to ASIS
What are normal findings on abdomen exam?
flat non-distended normoactive bowel sounds tympanic throughout soft no masses non-tender no hepatomegaly/splenomegaly
What are abnormal findings on abdomen exam?
distended round obese scaphoid tenderness to palpation rebound guarding rigid
What are some common GI issues in primary care?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
What is constipation?
a SYMPTOM, not a disease
What is the Rome criteria?
tool to categorize constipation
need to have 2 symptoms over 3 months:
fewer than 3 bowel movements/week
lumpy or hard stools
sensation of incomplete defecation
manual maneuvering required to defecate
What is considered abnormal about bowel movements?
if less than 1 bowel movement each week
What is the Bristol
stool scale?
describes look & feel of feces & passage of fecal material
What is considered normal on the Bristol stool scale?
types 3 to 4 are considered normal (formed & easy to pass)
What is considered constipation on Bristol stool scale?
type 1 & 2
What symptoms are associated with constipation?
abdominal bloating low back pain tenesmus (contracted anal sphincter) pain on defecation rectal bleeding abdominal pain inability to pass flatus vomiting