Appreciative Inquiry Flashcards
What is the Goal of the Define Stage?
Define –Clarity: the best of what is
To clarify and define what they want to have more of, not what they don’t want and not about the challenges they are currently facing or even about their deficiencies.
What are the two phases of the Define stage?
Two phases: Clarify and Picture
How do we define what what the client wants?
First we clarify
By first asking: • What is working for you right now? • What gives life to you now? • What do you most value about x, y, z? And then: • What would you like to have more of?
Once we have clarified what they want, how can we get a clear picture of it? By asking three questions: “So, you want x. Tell me more about that…when you x
- What do you do when…x?
- How do you feel when …x?
- If I had to see you doing x, what would I see?
How do we define what what the client wants?
First we clarify
By first asking: • What is working for you right now? • What gives life to you now? What future possibillities makes you feel most alive? • What do you most value about x, y, z? And then: • What would you like to have more of?
Once we have clarified what they want, how can we get a clear picture of it? By asking three questions: “So, you want x. Tell me more about that…when you x
- What do you do when…x?
- How do you feel when …x?
- If I had to see you doing x, what would I see?
What is the goal of the Discover stage?
Discover –Appreciate the best of what has been
To build self-esteem and self-efficacy by appreciating the client’s strengths, achievements, and positive qualities
What are the 4 discoveries during this stage?
- Best experiences: What is the best experience you
have ever had with x? - Core values: What are the core values that are
honored by doing this? - Generative strategies: How did you get that to
happen? - Whole hearted wish: What do you wish for most in
regards to x? What would be possible if you used
[generative strategy] in x?
What is the purpose of the Dream stage?
Dream –Envisioning the best of what may be
To create positive anticipation about the future, through envisioning the best of what may be.
What are the 4 anticipations in the Dream stage?
Calling, Energy, Positive Core and Clear Vision:
- Calling: What is life calling you to do here?, What
else? - Energy: Which of these possibilities excite you the
most? - Positive Core: Why is this important to you, what
happens when you achieve this dream? How do
you benefit from that? - Clear Vision: What does this look like? How will you
know that you are successful? What will you accept
as evidence of success? What will you see, hear
and feel?
What is the goal of the design stage?
Design –Co-constructing compelling goals
To bring the dream into focus, by co-constructing concrete steps in attaining the goals
What are the 4 phases of the design stage?
Compelling priorities, action steps, support and review
How do we articulate compelling priorities?
By asking:
• When you look at x now, what do you recognize as
a priority for bringing this about?
• Which of these priorities are the most compelling to
you now?
How do we articulate the action steps?
By asking:
• In what way are you already {doing x}?
• What are your actions steps towards this priority?
How to articulate the support plan?
By asking:
• Who will support you in this?
• How will you approach them?
• What can you offer them in return?
How do we review the design?
By summarizing and agreeing on the actions to be taken by the next session
What is the Goal of the destiny stage?
Destiny –Learn, improvise and innovate
To act by experimenting with new behaviors and expressions of self, using life as a living laboratory.
How to develop affirmative, generative and expansive competence during the destiny stage?
By reflecting on our learning experience: What, So What, Now What
What -Affirmative Competence
• What is the biggest changes since then?
• What happened?
So what
• What are you most proud of?
How did you get that to happen?
• What is the most important thing you have learned
from this about yourself.
What does this mean to you
• What difference does knowing this makes?
• How does this change things
• How does this change the story you have been
Now what
• What would you like to have more of
• How will you continue to nurture your growth and
• How will you continue to forster your own growth
• Who has helped you on this journey that deserves
Moving on
• What remains for us to discuss?
• Would you like to start a new dream?
What is affirmative Competence?
Clients are challenged to overcome their negativity bias, by Affirming their positive qualities, strengths, accomplishments. Clients learn to draw on their ability to appreciate their positive possibilities by continuing to focus on their current and past strengths, successes, and potentials. As coaches, we can nurture this affirmative competence in our clients by celebrating their achievements and directing attention to the strengths that are the source of their vitality.
What is expansive Competence?
Clients are challenged to expand their competence, by stretching and moving beyond familiar ways of thinking into new, inspiring directions. This challenge causes them to look within and tap into higher values and ideals that inspire them to be passionate about living their best lives. As coaches, we encourage and gently urge them to experiment with new ways of thinking and acting.
What is generative Competence?
Clients are challenged to recognize their sense of self efficacy, by tracking their changes in order to acknowledge the meaningful contributions they are making to their lives and to see the positive results of their efforts. They need to experience a sense of progress so they can be inspired by their best efforts. Coaches can play a key role in providing positive feedback, support, and affirmation to their clients and in helping them see how their efforts are contributing toward their desired future. This in turn helps engender positive feelings of hope and empowerment—a positive reinforcing cycle.
What are the three competencies that appreciative inquiry develops?
Affirmative, Expansive and Generative competency.
What are the Principles of appreciative Inquiry?
- The positive principle: Positive Actions and Results stem from Positive Energy and Emotion. Positive emotions expands our awareness and therefore our opportunities to respond in positive and affirming ways
- The constructivist principle: Positive Energy and emotions stem from positive interactions. Reality is socially and linguistically constructed, through having positive interactions with others we can construct positive realities. This principle emphasizes the importance of our social context in getting positive results
- The Simultaneity principle: Positive Interactions and conversations stem from positive questions and reflections. No such thing as neutral questions. Questions are not neutral in their results, they are for better or worse and so we can use Positive questions and reflections to shift the direction of a conversation or a person is thinking.
- The anticipatory principle: Positive questions and reflections stem from positive anticipation of the future. Positive future results in positive expectations in the present, and so becomes a force that beckons
- The Poetic principle: Positive anticipation of the future stems from positive attention in the present. Just like, there are many interpretations of a poem, so there are many interpretations of reality. You get more of what you focus on, if you focus on problems, you get more problems, it you focus on solutions, you get more solutions.
What is Appreciative Inquiry?
Is an approach to motivating change by focusing on Strengths instead of deficits. It is aligned with Jung’s assertion that not every problem can be solved, but rather needs to be outgrown. Using appreciative Inquiry, we can outgrow our problem, by becoming less fixated on it and setting our sights on what we desire, so that the problem loses its primacy and so is no longer considered a problem