Appraisal pt.2 Flashcards
A new IQ test which yielded results nearly identical to other standardized measures would be said to have
A good concurrent validity
Concurrent validity
How well your test stacks up against a well-established test that measure the same behavior.
Convergent Validity
The relationship of a test to an independent measure or trait
Convergent Validity
used to assess a test’s construct/criterion validity by correlating test scores with an outside source
If someone with a snake phobia is exposed to a snake and experience extreme phobia. If they score higher on the test than he would in a relaxed state then it would be called
Convergent Validity
Discriminant Validity
the test will not reflect unrelated variables
When a counselor tells a client that the GRE will predict her ability to handle graduate work, the counselor is referring to
Predictive Validity
Predictive Validity
The power to accurately describe future behavior or events
Criterion Validity
Concurrent and Predictive
A reliable test is ____ valid
not always
A valid test is _____ reliable
One method of testing reliability is to give the same test to the same group of people two times and then correlates the scores
Test-retest reliability
Giving the same population alternate forms of the identical test. Each form will have the same psychometric/statistical properties as the original instrument
Equivalent or alternate forms reliability
Which method of reliability testing would be useful with an essay test but not with a test of algebra problems
A reliability coefficient of 1.00 indicates
A perfect score which has no error