Appraisal-CPCE Flashcards
What is appraisal?
The process of assessing or estimating attributes
The format of an essay test is considered
Since the scoring procedure is specific, what type of test is the NCE?
A short answer test is
Free choice
What type of test is the NCE?
Forced Choice
What index indicates the percentage of individuals who answered each item correctly?
The NCE and CPCE uses forced choice or
True/False test has what type of recognition test?
What is dichotomy?
You are presented with 2 opposing choices
In the normative format
Each item is independent of all other items
A client who takes a normative test
Can legitimately be compared to others who have taken the test
A client who takes a ipsative test
Cannot legitimately be compared to others who have taken the test
What does an achievement test measure?
Maximum performance
What does a personality test or inventory test measure?
Typical performance
In a spiral test
The items get progressively more difficult
In a cyclical test
You have several sections which are spiral in nature
A test battery is considered
A horizontal test
What does a horizontal test measure?
Various factors (math and science) during the same testing procedure
What does a vertical test measure?
Versions of various age brackets or levels of education (math achievement test for preschoolers and a version for middle schoolers)
The most critical factors in test selection are
Validity and Reliability
is a test measures what it says it measures
How consistent a test measures an attributes
Which is more important, validity or reliability?
Content Validity
does the test examine or sample the behavior under scrutiny. (ex. an iq test only sampling memory and not vocabulary, math is poor)
Construct Validity
a test ability to measure a theoretical construct like intelligence, self-esteem, artistic talent, mechanical ability, or managerial potential.
Concurrent Validity
how well the test compares to other instruments that are intended for the same purpose.
Predictive Validity
Empirical Validity; the test’s ability to predict future behavior
Criterion Validity
Concurrent and Predictive Validity linked together
An example of construct validity
Testing ego strength
Face Validity
a test looks or appears to measure the intended attribute
A job test which predicted future performance on a job very well would
have high criterion/predictive validity