Applying The DTM Flashcards
What are the characteristics for MEDCs on stage 5 of the DTM?
BR lower than DR
Population shrinks
Ageing population - more people living for longer
What problems do countries face at stage 5 of the DTM?
Smaller population means a reduction in spending - causes economy to slow or stall
Few children to replace current ageing workforce - workforce may not be large enough to carry out the work - causes economy to slow down or stop growing
Fewer taxpayers, less money for services. Made worse by increasing cost of services for the elderly - more old people, more money needed for pensions and health services
What stages of theDTM are LEDCs at?
Stage 2-3
Why do lots of countries enter stage 2?
Improved health care and sanitation leads to reduced death rate while birth rate stayed high
Why have some LEDCs moved into stage 3?
DR is still falling leading to increasing populations
Some governments have introduced policies to reduce BR e.g. one child policies
How does the UK’s history match stage 1 of the DTM?
The total population was small - 6 million in 1700
Poor diet and hygiene as well as wars and diseases (Black Death) caused high death rate
High death rate canceled out high birth rate
How does the UK’s history match stage 2 of the DTM?
Population grew very quickly - 5 times bigger by the 1880s - 30 million 1881
Improvements in da ring and medicine reduced starvation and diseases - death rate fell
BR remains high - economy grew quickly - urban populations grew particularly rapidly
What stages of the DTM are MEDCs at?
Stages 4-5
How does the UK’s history match stage 3 of the DTM?
Population was still growing - slower rate, 47 million by 1941
Birth control improved and used more frequently so BR fell
DR continued to fall as food supply, medicine and hygiene continued to improve
How does the UK’s history match stage 4 of the DTM?
Population growth has slowed down - 56 million by 1981
DR was low - except during WW2
BR was low - except for baby booms after WW2
How does the UK’s history match stage 5 of he DTM?
DR today is almost the same as BR
Population is ageing - pensioners outnumber children, estimated by 2030 1/4 of population could be over 65
Population could begin to decline if BR drops below DR as too few young people, DR becomes larger than BR as large population of elderly people die
What year is stage 1 of the DTM for the UK?
What year is stage 2 of the DTM for the UK?
What year is stage 3 of the DTM for the UK?
What year is stage 4 of the DTM for the UK?
What year is stage 5 of the DTM for the UK?
What are the characteristics for MEDCs on stage 4 of the DTM?
Low BR and DR
Long life expectancies
Slow population growth
What are the 3 strengths of the DTM?
Gives a good generalised picture of how a population can change over time
Easy to compare a country with DTM - knowing a countries population, BR and DR, can see where it fits on DTM
Can forecast how it’s population can change - helps governments decide on policies e.g. one child policy
Weaknesses of DTM
Not a valid model worldwide - original data used to develop DTM was from developed countries
Original data didn’t have stage 5 - has been added since countries have left stage 4
Populations in countries with different customers may change in different ways e.g. catholic countries don’t condemn contraception
Extreme pop earth and low levels of development causes LEDCs from passing through all stages
Can’t predict exactly where counties will fall
Other factors can affect the population so a country no longer fits the DTM: population control policies, infectious disease, civil war