Applied research Flashcards
‘‘Research is to see what nobody else has seen,
and to think what nobody else has thought”
Albert Szent-Gyorgi
is a procedure by which we attempt
to find systematically, and with the support of
demonstrable fact, the answer to a question or
the solution of a problem
Research (Leedy, 1989).
Research is the systematic, controlled,
empirical and critical investigation of
hypothetical propositions about presumed
relations among natural phenomena
(Kerlinger, 1970)
Research is a process of steps used to collect
and analyze information to increase our
understanding of a topic or issue
Research is a process of gathering data to
solve a particular or specific problem in
scientific manner
(Halpin, 1996).
Research is a careful, critical, disciplined
inquiry, varying in technique and method
according to the nature and conditions of the
problem identified, directed toward the
clarification or resolution of the problem
(Good and Scates, 1972).
c. It follows an orderly and
sequential procedure that leads to the discovery of
the truth or solution
Researchh is systematic
All the procedures
employed and data gathered are perceived in the
same manner by all observers.
research is empirical
The data of all
researchers have to be analyzed, presented, and
research is analytical
All the findings
and conclusions are logically based on empirical
Research is objective and logical
research requires hypothesis that need to be tested.
research employs hypothesis
Data are
transformed into numerical measures and are treated
statistically to determine their significance or
Research employs statistical methods
Except in historical
research, data are gathered from primary sources or
first-hand sources and not from secondary sources
research is original work
Only experts use
valid data, carefully designed procedures, and valid
research instrument.
Research is done by an expert
A research carelessly done due to racing against time
may lead to incorrect findings and shaky
Research is a patient and unhurried activity
Research involves much work, time, personnel, and
research requires an effort making capacity
Characteristics of research
research is systematic
Research is Empirical
Research is analytical
research is objective and logical
research employs hypothesis
research employs statistical methods
research is original work
research is done by an expert
research is a patient and unhurried activity
research requires an effort -making capacity
research requires courage
At times, the
researcher encounters public disapproval,
frustration, undergo hazards, sleepless nights, etc.
But, despite of these problems, the researcher
should be brave enough to finish and pursue the
effort started.
Research require courage
Ethics in Research
1.Minimize the risk of harm
2. Get permission/obtain informed consent
3. Protect anonymity and confidentiality
4. Honesty.
5. Objectivity
6. Integrity
7. Carefulness.
8. Openness.
9. Respect for Intellectual Property.
10. Confidentiality.
11. Responsible Publication.
12. Responsible Mentoring.
13. Respect for colleagues.
14. Social Responsibility.
15. Non-Discrimination.
16. Competence
17. Legality.
18. Animal Care.
19. Human Subjects Protection.
“Planning is bringing the future into the present
so that you can do something about it now.”
Alan Lakein
Based on Application of Research Method
a. Pure Research
b. Applied Research
Four types of research
- Based on Application of Research Method
- Based on Purpose of the Research
- Based on the Types of Data Needed
- Data you deal with research
deals with concepts, principles,
or abstract things. It aims to increase your
knowledge about something
Pure research
– to apply your chosen
research to societal problems or issues, finding
ways to make positive changes in society.
applied research
Based on Purpose of the Research
Descriptive Research
Correlational Research
Explanatory Research
Exploratory Research
Action Research
– defining or giving
portrayal or picture of a person , thing, event, group,
situation, etc.
Desrciptive research
shows relationships or
connectedness of two factors, circumstances, or
agents called variables that affect the research.
Correlation research
elaborates or explains
not just the reasons behind the relationship of two
factors but also the way in which such relationships
Explanatory research
to find out how reasonable or possible it is to
conduct a research study on a certain topic.
- is a methodology approach
that explores research questions that have not
previously been studied in depth.
– It is often used when the issue you’re studying is
new, or the data collection process is challenging in
some way.
Exploratory Research
an ongoing practice of a
school, organization, community or institution for
the purpose of obtaining results that will bring
improvements in the system
Action Research
Based on the Types of Data Needed
. Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research –
requires non-numerical
data to express the results, the inquiry of the
investigation about people’s thoughts, beliefs,
feelings, views, and lifestyles regarding the object
of the study.
Qualitative Research
– involves measurement
of data. It presents research findings referring to the
number of frequency of something in numerical
forms (percentages, fractions, numbers)
Data you deal with research
Primary Data
Secondary Data
a. Scientific or Positive Approach
b. Naturalistic approach
c. Triangulation Approach
uses words to express
data. These are data that express truths about the
way people perceive or understand the world.
Naturalistic Approach
combining scientific
and naturalistic approach. You are free to gather and
analyze data using multiple methods. It gives you
the opportunity to view every angle of the research
from different perspectives
Triangular Approach
– discover and
measure information as well as observe and control
variables in an impersonal manner. It allows control
of variables.
Scientific or positive approach
a. Will it harm participants?
b. Will it cause discomfort and distress?
c. Will it exploit social disadvantage?
d. Will it harm the identify and anonymity
of the respondents
e. Will it cause financial burden to all the
Minimize the risk of harm
a. Participants/informants are volunteers
b. Write a letter
c. Permission to go undercover
d. Cite and refer
Get permission/ obtain informed consent
Data privacy act of 2012
Protect anonymity and confidentiality
Honestly report data, results, methods and
procedures, and publication status.
Do not fabricate, falsify, or misrepresent data. Do
not deceive colleagues, sponsors, or the public.
a. Making false promises to informants/respondents
b. fake data
Strive to avoid bias in data analysis,
data interpretation, personnel decisions, expert
testimony, and other aspects of research where
objectivity is expected or required. Avoid or
minimize self-deception
. Keep your promises and agreements;
act with sincerity; strive for consistency of thought
and action.
. Avoid careless errors and
negligence. Keep good records of research
activities, such as data collection, research design,
and correspondence with agencies or journals.
Share data, results, ideas, tools,
resources. Be open to criticism and new ideas.
patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual
property. Do not use unpublished data, methods, or
results without permission. Give proper
acknowledgment or credit for all contributions to
research. Never plagiarize
Respect of intellectual property
Protect confidential
communications, such as personnel records, trade or
military secrets, and patient records.
. Publish in order to
advance research and scholarship, not to advance
just your own career. Avoid wasteful and
duplicative publication.
Responsible publication
Help to educate, and
advise students. Promote their welfare and allow
them to make their own decisions.
Responsible mentoring
s. Respect your
colleagues and treat them fairly.
Respect for colleagues
Strive to promote social
good and prevent social harms.
Social responsibility
Avoid discrimination
against people on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, or
other factors not related to scientific competence.
Non discrimination
Maintain and improve your own
professional competence and expertise through
lifelong education and learning
Know and obey relevant laws and
institutional and governmental policies
Show proper respect for animals
when using them in research. Do not conduct
unnecessary animal experiments.
Animal Care
Minimize harms
and risks and maximize benefits; respect human
dignity and privacy; and strive to distribute the
benefits and burdens of research fairly.
Human Subject Protection