Applied Anatomy And Physiology Flashcards
Cardiac control system
SA Node- since wave of excitation and causes atrial systole
AV Node- impulse passes through and is delayed for 0.15 seconds to allow atrium to empty
Bundle of His- impulse is sent down specialised fibres
Purkinje Fibres- branches of smaller fibres and causes ventricular systole
Stroke Volume
Volume of blood pumped out of the heart in one beat
Depends on Venus return, elasticity of cardiac fibres, and contractility of cardiac tissue
Control blood flow
Vaso motor
Vasodilation (decrease SS)
Vasoconstriction (increases SS)
Pre-capillary sphincters
A-VO2 difference
Difference in oxygen in atrial blood and Venus blood
At exercise increase in A-VO2 difference more oxygen being extracted to meet the demand
Elite has greater capillary network so more capacity for extra extraction
Tidal volume
Volume of air breathed in or out in a normal breath
Increases in exercise
Expiratory reserve volume
Volume of a forcibly expired after a normal breath
Decreases in exercise
Residual volume
Volume of a remaining after maximum expired
Stays the same in exercise
Minute ventilation
Volume of and out in a minute
Partial pressure
Pressure exerted from an individual gas
Pulmonary ventilation
Receptor detect a change
Message relayed to respiratory control Centre
Impulse down phrenic nerve to breathing muscle muscles
Increase frequency and depth of breathing
Stretch receptors
Prevent over inflation of lungs
Expiratory Centre sends impulse down intercoastal nerve to expiratory muscles
Swells and narrows trachea
Carbon monoxide binds haemoglobin
Reduce number and size of alveoli
Kills Celia
Reduces efficiency of respiratory system
Less gas exchange
Can’t work aerobically
Motor unit
Motor neuron and muscle fibres
Only one type of muscle fibre can be found at motor unit
Motor neurons transmit nerve to muscle fibre
All or none law
Either or contract or none will
Wave summation
Repeated impulse with no time to relax, produces a smooth sustained contraction (tetanic contraction)
Calcium build up in muscle cell
Spatial summation
Alter a number and size of motor units old to strength of contraction
Planes and axis
Frontal Sagital (adduction abduction)
Transverse longitudinal (horizontal adduction abduction)
Sagital transverse (flexion extension)
Stretch muscle until tension
Isometric contraction using passive stretch
Stretch again, antagonist relax, allow and stretch further
Muscle spindles
Sensitive proprioceptor found in between muscle fibres
Detect change and muscle length/tension
Send excited signals to CNS, relay impulse for master to contract
Prevents overstretching by initiating the stretch reflex
Golgi tendon
Proprioceptor between muscle fibres and tendons
Detect tension
Send inhibitory signals to brain (delay the stretch reflex)
Override accessory signals
Causes antagonist to relax, lymph and stretch further
Hip horizontal adduction
Hip adductors/ gluteus minimus and maximus
Shoulder flexion
Anterior deltoid/latissimus dorsi
Shoulder adduction
Posterior deltoid/middle deltoid
Shoulder horizontal adduction
Pectoris major/ latissimus dorsi